Chapter 10: Bodi's Quiet Time

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Now that Kai was finally gone, Bodi could catch up on the news from home, he swiped through his PDA and focused on the Omeocoon section. First off, someone named 'Tommy' made it into the Dynamic Patrol, the first of their people to do it! How cool! He would be sworn in soon, about three days give or take. He hoped that Tommy wouldn't be the last, Bodi wanted to join the exploration fleet one day if he had the chance, Tommy was an icon, he was famous now! Maybe he could get an autograph... Bodi remained focused, continuing his skim in peace. He decided to further dive into just who 'Tommy' was, and what the Dynamic Patrol was. To be honest he wasn't that thrilled about the name... but he appreciated the mission, apparently, the patrol had several major subdivisions which new recruits could serve, expeditionary, defense, and an even cooler division called, 'First Line Of Defense,' which was basically a small team of heroes that were assigned to protect a planet or even installations in space, cool! Bodi spun around in his chair wheely chair excitedly as his imagination worked, he could imagine himself as a hero, but he could also imagine being on a starship and exploring space with a crew. A real crew... not with his jerk of a brother.

Kai would certainly never let him go. "Far too dangerous." Bodi deepened his voice and tried to mimic his brother's stern tone. And he snickered at the result as he continued reading. Bodi found it very intriguing that a well-known hero would maintain a secret identity, despite aliens and interplanetary migration being commonplace in the galaxy now, but he supposed it made it easier for the person in question to have a 'normal' life, separate from their work. And he was sure it was easier for Tommy because he was able to change his form to look like a solid, he could be anyone! It was his 'unique' ability. Really cool! Bodi read his story silently and then was startled by something heavy dropping on the floor in the ship's main corridor suddenly. And he knew he wasn't imagining it because his ear twitched involuntarily about half a second after that 'pen drop.' As he stood up to investigate, Bodi peeked his head out into the corridor and was not surprised to find that the lighting was reduced to minimal levels, Kai was the culprit of this phenomenon, the intention was to save what little power they had when underway. Bodi understood the goal when they were in open space. But it didn't make much sense when connected to a docking station that had unlimited power for the ships it was servicing. Bodi continued into the hallway. "Hello?" He called down the empty corridor. He continued walking, looking at the wear and tear running up the bulkheads of the ship as he did so. He entered the small canteen on the starboard side, which had been repurposed as a living room of sorts for just lounging around since Bodi and Kai did not eat. 

Bodi heard the shuffling as someone was going through the cupboards, Bodi watched in horror as this being was hunched over and searching through things that most certainly were not his. Thieves! Kai warned Bodi of this happening, normally the station was a very safe place, which is why he wasn't afraid to stay on the ship alone, the automated security did the job just fine. But obviously, it was slacking tonight. "Hey! Get out of there!" Bodi shouted, he clenched a fist and stared fiercely at the intruder. It was obvious that this person did not know who he was robbing, and Bodi was sure that his physical advantage of shapeshifting was more than enough to match whatever this guy had as the offense. But it seemed as though in the heat of the moment, they were startled by Bodi's sudden appearance and shouting... they bumped their head on the cupboard pretty hard... a cry of pain was forced out from the intruder as soon as Bodi heard the person's skull clash with the hard surface of the metal countertop. And it was lights out for them. They collapsed, half their body still engulfed by the counter's storage space. Bodi now took this opportunity to raise the lights to maximum intensity. And he was astounded by what he saw. 

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