4 {Spark Of The Rebellion} Pt 2

Start from the beginning

Sabine said as she was pressing the different buttons on the control console while Chopper complained a few feet away from her. 

The camera panned to Ezra who was watching the corridor for any Imperials. 

Ezra: All clear, they don't know we're in here

Kanan: Come on don't stop!

Kanan says as the trio run through the long hallways of the Transport. 

Y/N: Don't plan to!

We ran around a corner and came face to face with a squad of Troopers lead by an ISB Agent. 

Kanan: Push of, NOW!

I jumped up and to my surprise the lights went yellow and we all floated in the air. 

Y/N: 'Huh, fucking with the anti-grav, nice touch'

Kanan raised his blaster pistol and open fired. I grabbed my staff and disconnected the two pieces so i now had two crossbows in my hands. I aimed and fired a coupe bolts which flew through the air and pierced straight through the troopers armor and into their body. 

I floated past some troopers that were still alive and so i sliced the parts of their body that the armor didn't protect with the blades that went alot the limbs of the crossbow. 

Kanan: How're you doing back there kid?!

Y/N: Believe it or not this isn't my first anti-grav fight!

Zeb grabbed a Troopers body and used it as a shield as he floated into the ISB Agent and some other troopers knocking them away. 




Ezra: All good?

Sabine: Yep, charges are set and ready to blow

Ezra: Speaking of blow let's blow this Popsicle stand

Ezra says as she hangs onto the side of Chopper. 

Sabine: Have you ever actually even seen a Popsicle stand?

Sabine says as she does the same. 

Ezra: No, i just know people say it

Chopper flies away with his bottom mounted rocket thruster as the whole room was rigged to blow. 

Kallus: Oh for fuck sakes! Why wasn't this in the simulations?!

Kallus says as he struggles to grab onto stuff to help propel him through the hallway which was littered by the bodies of Troopers floating in the air. And just ahead of him were our mary band of soon to be rebels. 


Sabine: Ready?

Ezra: Ready

Sabine: In five...four...three...two...one

Kanan: Now!

The gravity suddenly came back on and i landed back on my feet. We continued running and after a minute or two finally found the others. 

Sabine: Where are the Wookies?

Kanan: No Wookies. Listen Sabine man the nose gun, Ezra you're on the aft gun, Chop go and tell Hera to take off

Sabine: Uh, right. Come on Ezra

The two girls and Chopper make their way back to the Ghost. Kanan ran in after them but Zeb just to be a dick shoved me back. I glared at him and went to run after him but was stopped as a large volley of blaster fire hit near me. I quickly dove to cover and saw it came from a squad of Troopers. 

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