Gamer Bros...? -104-

Start from the beginning

Instead of seeing eye to eye, Ortho only beamed happily. "But this is the first time you've had friends over, right? I'm rather happy about that, myself." The robotic boy cheered excitedly. "Huh? Friends...?" Idia said in a clueless tone.

The little Shroud nodded. "Yeah. We haven't experienced this personally, but..." Ortho shrugged sheepishly, "I've seen lots of scenes in TV shows and anime where classmates or clubmates hang out at each other's houses. It's called "having friends over." Isn't it a perfectly common form of socializing for regular people?" He asked innocently.

"Maybe for regular people. But for us? It's just fiction," Idia said with a little sigh, "Besides, this wasn't "having friends over." It was forcibly dragging acquaintances into a lab and making them test subjects." He said bluntly. "But you still brought people you know into your residence." Ortho argued with a sparkling in his eyes.

Idia huffed, unable to comprehend how his little brother didn't understand this. "It's not the same. Those two things are as different as Elysium and the Underworld. You need to update your logic systems," Idia said with a playful, light flick to Ortho's forehead, "And who would call this bunch of troublemakers friends, anyway? You gotta be kidding me."

Rubbing his forehead, Ortho perked up. "What about the others? They came here willingly." The robotic boy pressed on. Idia grumbled in slight embarrassment. "Y/N... and those guys... don't count." He said surely, a clear sign that was the end to the conversation.

There was a loud throat clearing noise from the table. The brothers raised their eyes to meet Vil's irritated face. "Excuse me, what are you two whispering about? Are you even listening to us? And did I hear something starting with (first letter of your name)? Anyways, now that we're finished with the tests, I'd like to get in my daily workout or some yoga." The blonde ordered as he crossed his arms angrily.

Jamil slightly raised his hand up with a bored look. "I could use a bit of exercise myself." He requested simply. Leona growled, baring his fangs to the male at the front of the table. "Give me meat. Any kind." He demanded like a spoiled child. "I must have tea!" The other spoiled child yelled. Azul huffed and crossed his arms. "Bring me a business paper!" He shouted.

Idia grasped his hair (pretending it was these guys' throats). "AAAUGH! SHUT! UP! You're all going home tomorrow. Would it kill you to exercise a LITTLE PATIENCE?!" He hollered, hair flashing into an angry orange-red.

Suddenly alarms started blaring, effectively knocking Idia out of his angered state and allowing his hair to turn back into it's normal state. The speaker perched on the wall spoke up. "Testing of Subjects ROS-859A and SUS-3320B will commence at 1300. Currently thawing Phantom subjects' cages. The facility will go into full lockdown for the duration of the test to ensure the safety of all personnel. All personnel, please return to your stations immediately." The voice requested blankly before shutting off.

The blue lights of the hallway suddenly turned red with electric guard rails springing up. The doors instantly slammed shut and locked. Idia didn't seem to bothered though. Bringing his hands out of his hair, his let them fall loosely to his sides. "...Oh, I guess there's an A-class Phantom test today. That's gonna take a while. Well, guys, you're not leaving this room for the next two or three hours. You're gonna have to entertain yourselves." He reported simply.


The acting director rolled his eyes at their exclamation. "Look, we went over this yesterday—Styx isn't a medical center for regular people. Didn't you hear the announcement? They're temporarily releasing dangerous Phantoms from Tartarus... to test 'em and gather data. We've got the Cerberus System for defense, but there's still a chance things could go south. So everyone shuts themselves in rooms that double as shelters until the test is over. Just in case." The male informed as he shoved his hands into his pockets.

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