A Proper Unbirthday -29-

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"All hail our leader, the Red Sovereign himself... Housewarden Riddle!"

"We salute you, Housewarden Riddle!"

The Heartslabyul students praised. However, Riddle ignored them, looking around the new unbirthday party that had taken a week to set up. There was less roses and the lawn was still in recovery, but the scenery was beautiful nevertheless.

Riddle had also come up to you the day after his overblot, head down in shame as he apologized for his words prior to his breakdown before formally inviting you to the unbirthday party and any unbirthday after that. An offer you accepted with a hug causing Riddle's face to blend in with his hair.

The housewarden hummed, eyes scanning over the array of treats and teacups over the table. "Hm. The garden roses are red, the tablecloths are white... This seems a proper unbirthday indeed. Is there a dormouse asleep in the teapo- Er, well, I suppose it's fine either way." He said waving his arms in dismissal.

Trey smiled reassuringly. "Not everything has to change completely, you know. Like, maybe spread the jam on your scones, instead of on the dormouse this time? Let's try to set the bar at "it's great if it's this way," not "it absolutely has to be this way." Riddle put a hand to his chin and nodded. "Yes, that makes sense."

Soft steps on the grass coming towards them cued the five boys' attention. You were running over to them wearing your previous unbirthday party dress, your hands cupped and holding something as Grim scowled by your side. "Guys, look!" You said with a big smile. "I found a mouse on the table! Isn't he the cutest?!" You exclaimed while presenting the small critter in your palms.

Cater sent you a wink and peace sign. "But not the cutest thing here, babe." He said cheekily. You rolled your eyes, a slight flush covering your cheeks. Riddle sighed. "So the dormouse isn't asleep in the teapot." Trey chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of his neck.

You walked over to the side of the table and placed the mouse down who grabbed part of a scone and ran over to the teapot decor, situating himself into one and beginning to eat his crumb. Grim let out a satisfied humph as you had finally put down that rodent you seemed so excited about.

Ace sighed, falling back into one of the chairs at the table. "I can't believe we got roped into cleaning up and prepping the garden again." He said tiredly. Deuce put a hand on his hip and shrugged. "Well, at least the housewarden recovered from his overblot without any complications." He chimed.

Cater whipped out his phone, furiously snapping pictures of every view around him. "And the garden is Magicam-worthy once again! Hashtag #nofilter on this gorgeousness! Smile, Y/N!" He said while pointing his phone at you. You let out a huff and an embarrassed grin, tilting your head away from the camera. Cater didn't seem to mind though, happily tapping on his phone. "And... posted." He said cheerfully.

Grim hopped on the table, grabbing a pastry from the table at looking at it hungrily. "Blah blah blah! Let's just eat already!" He yelled before shoving it into his mouth. Cater grinned. "Then eat we shall! I'll get the-"

"Wait a minute!" Riddle yelled. Everyone looked over at him, curious of his outburst. "There's a white rose...!" He said with his hands on his hips. Ace paled, face contorting into shock. "We missed one?!" He exclaimed while sitting up. Cater looked over to the two freshmen with wide eyes. "Ace, Deuce, I told you to make sure to paint EVERY rose!"

You secretly smirked as you had also helped paint the roses, but Cater had left you out of his statement, intentionally or not. Deuce's eyebrows furrowed, pointing his fingers to himself. "Wait, this is our fault?!" He yelled back. Trey sweat dropped. "R-Riddle, listen..."

Beauty & The Beasts (Twisted Wonderland x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن