Cooking With Spice -59-

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Floyd continued looking down at Riddle with a smirk, hands positioned on his hips. "Then here's an idea: don't. We're not. C'mon, you can join us in the stay-at-school club. Heh heh!" The eel said with a teasing chuckle. Riddle jumped, quickly looking back with a glare. "Where did you come from, Floyd? And would you kindly refrain from sticking your nose in business you know nothing about? It's quite irksome." The redhead scolded.

With an ever so polite smile, Jade slightly leaned towards his brother. "He's right, you know. It's never a good idea to blindly pry into others' family affairs." He told his twin lightly. Floyd blew a raspberry, shoulders slouching in the process. "Aw, c'mon, Jade. It's boring spending every new year with the same old suspects. Besides, Goldfishie's so teeny, I'm sure Azul would love to keep him as a pet!" The eel exclaimed with a devilish glint in his eyes.

Everyone sweat dropped. Quickly looking over at Riddle, you noticed a blank face. His eye twitched. "I'm sorry? Would you like to say that again? You're awfully brazen to take that tone with the head of Heartslabyul." His eyebrows suddenly furrowed as a sneer beamed over his face. "And speaking of heads, I'll have yours for this!"

Cater gave out a forced smile, landing his hand on Riddle's shoulder. "R-Riddle, no! This is NOT the place, my guy!" He yelled out desperately. Trey pursed his lips into an unimpressed frown. "Settle down, Riddle. You're letting him goad you again." The male informed tiredly.

Though not making anymore threats, Riddle was clutching his fists at his sides with a reddening face. "Yeeaargh...!" He growled. You took a step forward and gently placed a hand on his shoulder. "Riddle, just relax, okay?" You said softly. Riddle took a deep, long breath through his nose before sighing it out. Despite his jaw still being screwed shut, his face certainly lightened up.

Meanwhile, Che'nya's eyes widened at the scene in front of him in interest. Just how could you calm down the teapot tyrant himself with a single comment? How curious. And fun.

The purple cat let out a small string of giggles at this, effectively catching Floyd's attention. "Wha? A cat? I've never seen you around here before." The eel said as he stared Che'nya down. The purple cat chuckled in amusement. "Well, I've been known to come..." on cue, his body began disappearing to leave just a head behind,"...and go. Happy holidays." He sang before sending a wink in your direction and completely disappearing, likely going through the mirror.

Floyd frowned. "Ah... Catfish seemed like fun. Oh well! Anyways, you leavin' or not goldfish?" He asked Riddle with a grin. Riddle's eye twitched again. "Yes, Floyd, I'm leaving." He hissed out with venom causing Jade to bring a hand up to cover his amused grin.

Cater popped his lips. "Sooo, Floyd and Jade! Your family's in the Coral Sea, right? Why aren't you visiting them?" He questioned the two brothers. Jade gently tilted his head. "We and Azul live in the far northern reaches of the Coral Sea.
At this time of year, the whole surface is covered in ice floes." He answered politely.

His twin nodded vigorously. "What he said! It's hard gettin' home with all the freezy-freeze, and it's boring there anyway. So the three of us prefer to go home on spring break instead, when the ice has melted." Trey put his hands on his hips and raised an eyebrow. "Wow. Living under the sea has all kinds of challenges, huh?" The green haired male commented.

Crossing his arms, Riddle let out a loud huff before grabbing his suitcase handle. "Hmph! The last thing I need is to spend the new year with you Octavinelle boys. I'll be going now. I bid you all a pleasant holiday." He exclaimed before walking into the mirror and not looking back.

Trey huffed, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "Good grief. Well, at least he's got his moxie back." He turned towards the first years, focusing more on Ace and Deuce rather than you. "As for you guys, don't cut TOO loose over the holidays, okay? See you around. Good luck with whatever Crowley put you to, Y/N." He finished with a small wink before entering the mirror. "Bye, Trey." You mumbled out, slightly annoyed at being reminded you were basically Crowley's lapdog.

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