Tying Up Loose Ends -55-

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Did anyone else notice how Kalim, Rook, and Silver all use light magic instead of dark magic like everyone else? It kind of makes sense since they're all based off of good guys. (Even Rook since the hunter did spare Snow White's life).

"Ngh..." Was the first sound you heard upon beginning to wake up. Though it didn't seem to be from you. "Oh, hey, you're awake." Presumably Floyd said, looking over towards the sliver haired male as he poked your awaking cheek. Your eyes cracked open to see you were on the ground with several boys surrounding you. Floyd was sitting next to you, poking your cheek in an attempt to wake you. "Ah," he hummed, "Shrimpy's up, too. Yay!" He cheered lightly.

There were a few breaths of relief before Trey had kneeled down and helped you sit up, gently flicking a small spot of ink off your head. "Thank seven," he sighed, "you had us worried for a second." Trey admitted as he wrappened an arm around your shoulders to keep you up and steady. You groaned, lightly rubbing your head before looking up and seeing Azul also sitting up and rubbing his own.

Jade stood in front of the recently overblotted housewarden before slightly bending down. "Azul, how many fingers am I holding up?" He asked with four fingers in the air, right in Azul's face. Azul clumsily adjusted his glasses and squinted. "Er... Eight?" He questioned.

Putting his hand away, Jade stood back up to his full height with pursed lips. "Still in shock, it seems. But your blot-induced rampage has subsided at last." He commented.

Leona scoffed, putting a hand to his hip. "That little tantrum you threw really put us through the wringer, y'know." He said to Azul while standing off to the side. Ruggie sweat dropped. "Uh, Leona, I'm not sure you get to say that." He said blankly.

Azul looked around, assessing the damage to the room before his eyes landed on you. "What did I...do?" He asked. "You overused your magic and overblotted. You don't remember it?" Riddle replied with an eyebrow raised. Floyd suddenly butted in. "You were sucking everybody's magic dry left and right, bawlin', 'Give me your poweeerrr!" He said with an exaggerated demonstration of Azul's overblot before blanking. "It was the cringiest thing I've ever seen. I'm still not over it."

Cater nodded at Floyd's words. "IKR. It was low-key kinda extra, not gonna lie." He said as Trey sighed and Riddle lightly scowled at his dorm-mate for agreeing with the eel.

Azul rubbed his head, disbelief flashing through his eyes as Jade helped him up. "Oh, no... Me, going berserk? I don't believe this..." He mumbled as both Trey and Deuce helped you up from either side.

Ruggie clicked his tongue. "Hey, I can't exactly blame a guy for gettin' bent outta shape when something you've been building up for years gets ruined. I mean, if someone broke the piggybank I've been saving my money in, I'd hold a grudge for life." The hyena commented. Grim ignored him, glaring at Azul once he had safely settled onto your shoulder. "But all those shady business dealings have gotta stop. You oughta learn from this." He chastised.

Jack sent a hardened gaze at the three freshmen boys. "How about you guys learn not to coast through exams using someone else's notes?!" He said with his hands on his hips while his foot tapped against the ground.

You let out a smile. "I'm still amazed Grim got an 85, actually." You admitted as the boys looked at you in surprise.

Azul blinked. "...What?"

Riddle gave a small smile of his own. "Yes. Frankly, it still amazes me how well those study guides worked, especially for..." his face stiffened, "some people." Ace and Deuce jumped a bit. "Ah... Well it is true. One all-nighter reading that study guide you wrote was enough to bag me over a 90 on my exams." Ace admitted. Deuce nodded along. "Yeah. It was seriously on point."

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