Receiving Cookies -58-

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Upon entering the Mirror Chamber, you were greeted with various murmurs and goodbyes from various students. The room was practically filled to the brim. Deuce whistled. "Wow, it's already packed with students going home." He mumbled with a hand on his chin and the other on a blue suitcase. Both him and Ace had both stopped by Heartslabyul to pick up their luggage while you ran to Ramshackle to get their temporary-parting gifts.

Ace chuckled as some boys crashed into each other. "Hah, they all look so antsy. Now then, where's that headmage?" He questioned before looking deeper into the crowd.

While your small group was looking for the bird, Grim, who was in your free arm, suddenly stiffened. "Uh, Y/N, I think I found him..." The feline muttered awkwardly, looking into the crowd with a mixed reaction face you could quite understand. "Really? Where?" Deuce pressed. Silently, Grim raised a single paw out in front of him.

As if he was summoned, Crowley burst through a crowd of students with his hands on his hips and a grin on his face. You now understood Grim's reaction, (E/C) eyes now filled with confusion, annoyance, and a deadpanned expression to top it all off.

Crowley clapped his hands to gain the student's attention. "All right, everyone. Announce your destination to the Dark Mirror and keep a tight hold on your belongings. If you let go for any reason while in transit, your luggage will get spirited away elsewhere. If you have any possessions you absolutely cannot afford to risk losing, send them by post from the school store." He informed.

Despite the warning, Ace and Deuce immediately dropped the handles of their luggage with wide eyes. "He's in total party mode!" The two boys cried in shock as you just ran a hand down your face. Honestly, what had you been expecting? Clearly not much with Crowley involved.

Ace cringed as he stared at the headmaster's lemon yellow, flower filled t-shirt and white fedora to top it all off. "Wearing an aloha shirt in the middle of winter?! He's obviously ready to go on a tropical vacation!" He exclaimed. Deuce thinned out his lips. "He's not even trying to hide it."

Grim suddenly hopped out of your limp arms, standing in front of Crowley with his paws on his hips and an irritated face. "Hey, Headmage! We gotta talk!" He called out. Crowley's glowing yellow eyes suddenly snapped down to Grim before noticing you and the others' presences.

And this man had the audacity to pleasantly smile and clasp his hands together. "Why, hello. What brings your merry little band here?" He questioned in a cheery tone. Your eye twitched. Taking a step forwards, you crossed your arms and pursed your lips at him with an eyebrow lightly quirked up. "Have you planned for our food situation over the break?" You questioned blankly.

Crowley blinked a few times, a bead of sweat slowly cascading down his face. "Ah... Ahhh! Ahhh, yes! Of course I've planned for it! What kind of headmage would I be otherwise? Why, I was just about to make arrangements online to have food delivered to you!" He said with a crooked, uneasy smile. Your posture nor face shifted.

Deadpanning, Grim raised an eyebrow. "In other words, you were gonna leave us to starve. I'm guessin' you ain't even tryin' to find a way home for Y/N, either." He said. Crowley, yet again with the audacity, gasped and placed a hand over his chest in an offended manner. "How rude. I most certainly am. In fact, I'll be spending the winter break expanding my investigation area to a tropical land I've never visited before." He then crossed his arms with his chin held high. "That's how deeply my diligent streak runs."

You just lowered your head and rubbed the bridge of your nose. Running his eyes over the headmage, Ace pursed his lips, putting a hand on his hip. "You don't look dressed for an investigation to me." He commented. Grim nudged his head back towards Ace. "What he said! You look ready to go soak up the sun!"

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