Into Savanaclaw -33-

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After classes had ended, you and your freshman buddies wandered over to the hall of mirrors where Cater had told everyone to meet up. The orange haired male smiled as the four of you walked over to him and Riddle. "Hey peeps, how was class?" He asked cheerfully. Ace sighed. "Let's just get to the next person on your list." He said tiredly.

Cater nodded and pulled out his phone. "It's getting late, so let's make this the last one for today, 'kay? It's Jack Howl: freshman, Savanaclaw Dorm. Rumor has it that he's a great athlete. Scouts from all the major teams are fighting to sign him." He informed. "Classes are over, so he should be at his dorm," Deuce said.

Riddle pulled out his phone to look at the time. His eyebrows rose. "Oh, is it 5:00 already? Rule 346 says that "croquet must not be played after 5:00 p.m." I should head back to Heartslabyul and make sure that no one is breaking the rules in my absence." Grim scoffed. "Tch. I thought you'd rounded out some, but nope, you're as square as ever." He mumbled.

The redhead blushed in embarrassment, shaking his head in denial. "Th-that's not true! I assure you that I've become much more lenient about enforcing the rules." He said. Cater nodded in agreement. "He really has. He's way nicer than before. And we all appreciate that Riddle diligence. So go do what you gotta do, Boss!" He said waving Riddle off.

Ace shrugged. "Then I guess the rest of us are headed to Savanaclaw House."

After bidding Riddle goodbye, the rest of you stepped into the Savanaclaw. You were immediately taken aback from the scenery presented to you. The sun beamed down on you five while a soft wind blew causing your skirt to gently flow with it.

The main housing dormitory was a giant rock with tapestries hung around the entrance. A giant field with a large stand hung at the edge of a cliff above you all. It was a very... rugged area you suppose.

Deuce hummed. "Huh... So this is Savanaclaw." He mumbled. Grim blinked with wide eyes. "Whoa, did they carve this place into a mountain? And check out these huge bones! I wouldn't wanna meet whatever animal they're from." Ace sighed and shook his head. "Couldn't be less like Heartslabyul." He mumbled.

Cater nodded, taking out his phone to snap a few pictures. "No kidding. Even the air here feels so...primal. It's like we've left the bounds of civilization."

Ace looked back over to Cater, eyebrow raised. "So what's this Jack guy look like?" He questioned. "Apparently he's got wolf ears, silver hair, and a big, bushy tail too." The orange haired male responded. You hummed. Then he shouldn't be that hard to find.

Grim put a paw under his chin in thought. "A big, bushy tail... Wait, you mean like that guy runnin' laps over there?" He asked, pointing to the left side of the dormitory house. Cater grinned. "Whoa, good eye! There's no way that's not our boy."

After confirmation that the male was this so called Jack, you turned your head to look at him. He was huge. Just as tall as the Leech twins if not taller. He had adorably fluffy hair, ears, and tail all white in color. However, the tips of his tail and ears dyed itself into a dark gray. His skin was a fresh tan and his eyes were sharp with yellow irises. He was probably one of those people who looked precious when smiling, but he adorned a stiff frown at the moment. He also wore his gym uniform, a clear sign of exercise.

Ace slumped forward in shock. "And I thought those twins were big! This guy's HUGE!" He shouted in disbelief, you unconsciously nodding in agreement. Cater whistled. "No wonder all the scouts are after him."

Deuce gestured to him. "With that build, he'd be an asset on any team." The navy haired male exclaimed. You sank down a bit. "He's kind of intimidating..." You mumbled. Cater immediately side hugged you, resting his head onto your shoulder as he smiled. "Don't worry, hon! Cay-Cay's got your back. I won't let the big bad wolf bite my little teacup!" The sang as you laughed, cheeks lightly flushing at his words.

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