The Trial -26-

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Crowley tapped a finger against his chin and hummed. "Ah... I believe I understand the situation. You are resistant to the idea of apologizing, but unable to devise any other method to get the housewarden to remove the collar." He stated to Ace. The freshman sighed. "Yeah, pretty much."

"I see." The bird responded. "If you and the housewarden are truly unable to reconcile, you could always transfer. However, this is the dorm that the Dark Mirror chose for you based on the essence of your being. Any attempt to relocate would necessitate quite a burdensome process, as well as a new ritual." Yeah, the damn mirror told you that you were soulless, little bit-

Ace slumped forwards at those words. "A transfer, huh...? That'd make me feel like I was running away with my tail between my legs." He mumbled out. Crowley raised his eyebrows. "Hmm. Then it sounds like you should challenge Mr. Rosehearts for leadership of the dorm."

"WHAAAAAT?!" Ace, Grim, and Deuce all yelled in unison as you and Trey just looked at the headmaster in utter shock. Crowley glared at the three freshman boys. "Lower your voices! This is a library!" He scowled. Ace scratched his head. "But what you said was...insane!" The strawberry redhead exclaimed.

The man shrugged as if it didn't matter in the slightest. "There is nothing remotely "insane" about it. After all, that's how Mr. Rosehearts got the position."

Deuce leaned forwards, hands planted on the table with an eyebrow raised. "What exactly is the process by which housewardens are selected at Night Raven College?" He questioned. Grim nodded before jumping into your lap. "Trey said that Riddle became housewarden within his first week as a student here." The cat commented.

The headmaster smiled. "There are several ways. You could be appointed by the previous housewarden, for example, or duel the current warden and win. A duel is certainly one of the simpler methods." He said. Ace tilted his head. "But isn't fighting with magic against the rules?" He asked.

"In general, yes. A duel initiated through a formal procedure and conducted in the presence of the headmage is another matter entirely." Crowley responded. Trey put a hand to his chin in thought. "I'm pretty sure the duel rules don't allow for preemptively handicapping your opponent... So this could be a way to force Riddle to remove your collar without apologizing. That said..." He mumbled off to himself.

Crowley grinned. "The right to challenge a housewarden is bestowed upon all students when enrolling at Night Raven. So what do you say, Mr. Trappola? Will you challenge Mr. Rosehearts?" He questioned with a small smile.

Your eyebrows furrowed.
Was solving a problem with magical violence really the best idea?

Ace seemed to think so. "Sure, I'll give it a shot!" He declared. Deuce nodded right after him saying, "Then I will too." Grim stood up in your lap, hands in the air. "Me, three!" He shouted. Crowley shook his head. "I'm afraid not, Mr. Grim. You cannot challenge a housewarden of a dorm to which you do not belong."

The cat's jaw dropped. "Myah?! Then how'm I supposed to get this buzzkill collar off?!" Ace smiled easily, crossing his arm in front of him. "If I become housewarden, I'll just order Riddle to remove it! Easy-peasy!" However, Grim simply pouted and crossed his arms. "How will everyone know how tough I am if you do that?" He complained.

With all the crap you seem to get yourself into, Grim will definitely have a chance in the near future.

You immediately turned to Ace, eyebrows furrowed together. "Are you sure this is a good idea. Riddle's really strong. I mean, he's been training since he was a kid, I'm sure." You said in worry. Trey nodded and leaned forward, a skeptical eyebrow raised. "Are you sure about this? I certainly didn't expect you to throw your hat in the ring, Deuce." He said calmly.

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