Parade in the Desert -72-

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"Jamil... Y/N?" A soft yet cautious voice called out. Another voice, this time closer to you, groaned. "Ngh... Where am I?" They questioned as you slowly forced your eyes open. There was a sigh of relief next to you. "Good. You've both regained your senses." Azul concluded as you sat up.

Grim quickly jumped into your lap with a small shiver. "Mrah... That monster's gonna be hauntin' me in my dreams." Grim said shakily as you smiled.

The same soft voice from before spoke up again, this time proving to be Kalim. "J... Jahbeel... Y/N... WAAAAAAH!" The white haired housewarden cried before flinging himself onto you two, wrapping his arms you both with a tight squeeze. Grim yelped from his face suddenly being smushed in Kalim's chest.

Floyd laughed. "Somebody get Sea Otter a tissue already. Guy's equal parts snot and regret." He joked as you cringed slightly, gently patting Kalim's back. Jade held his hand to his chin with an amused grin. "I suspect all that talk about punching him has gone out the window as well."

"I-I'm so glad you guys are alive... Sho glad..." Kalim balled out between sniffles and sobs. You laughed at his over the top worry, but Jamil just rolled his eyes and sighed. "Must you always be so dramatic?" He grumbled out in annoyance.

Kalim finally let go, hence allowing Grim to breath, before turning to address Jamil. "I... I never knew how miserable you were all this time. A-All this time... I never knew just how much I put you through..." The housewarden hiccuped out in tears.

Azul smirked. "Which led to this spectacular betrayal." He added on without remorse. Floyd nodded. "Yuuup. Sea Snake's been mocking Sea Otter beneath his breath for pretty much their whole lives!" The eel drew out with a giggle. Grim deadpanned. "Geez, and you guys say I'M blunt." You discreetly waved a hand at them. "Shh... Quiet from the peanut gallery."

The white haired housewarden continued. "Y-Yes, you're... kind of a jerk. But you're still the guy who's helped me all my life." Jamil sighed again, lightly shaking his head. "Kalim..." He mumbled tiredly while massaging his temples. Kalim stood up determinedly. "So let's just stop. We can stop holding back on account of our social status." He declared.

Jamil blinked. "...Uh, what?" He questioned dumbly. "Starting today, we can be rivals that compete in earnest for the spot of number one. I want us to be equals... and I want us to be friends, Jamil." Kalim explained. Jamil's eye twitched as he slowly stood up, wiping off his clothes. "Equals? And friends? Heh... Why am I not surprised that's what you got out of this, Kalim? Then let me say this as one equal to another... NOT! ON! YOUR! LIFE!"

Kalim's jaw dropped. "Uh?" Grim gasped, quickly getting off your lap. "The heck?!" He cried. You stood up, slightly sweat dropping at Jamil's harsh words. "Did you learn nothing?" You questioned blankly.

The brunet ignored you and Grim in favor of listing off all the negative traits of Kalim. "You thoughtless, sloppy, idiotic, clumsy, ludicrously oblivious, arrogant, indelicate, pampered little rich boy! Who in their right mind would ever voluntarily be your friend?! What's in it for me now?! Nothing! And that's what I want—nothing to do with you!" He yelled with a painfully blunt sneer.

"Wh... Whaaat?! How can you say that?!" Kalim babbled out in shock. Grim sweat dropped, hopping onto your shoulder and leaning down to whisper in your ear. "Yeesh. He must be feelin' better, 'cause he sure ain't pullin' any punches." The feline murmured. You hummed in agreement. "Just... let him vent."

Scoffing out a laugh, Azul grinned. "Heh. He really is a wolf in sheep's clothing. And honestly, what's wrong with that? I like the authentic Jamil much more, as a matter of fact." He commented. Jamil curled a lip in disgust while holding a hand out at Azul. "Ugh. Your ingratiating smile is grossing me out."

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