A Shoe Errand -82-

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You could have sworn you were going in the right direction.

Before you even left for the mirror hall to be transported into town, you had memorized the address and kept the paper Vil gave you close. The only problem was, you didn't even know where you currently were. You thought this was just going to be a quick trip that you didn't even grab your phone. After all, you were pretty much rushed out of Ramshackle by a certain blonde diva.

It was still somewhat dark out, not many people around and very few shops were open at this time. So here you were, running around like a headless chicken in a town you've only been once or twice. After all, Sam had everything you needed and if you wanted a book, you'd go to the school's library.

At least the town was pretty. The buildings were a cream colored white with orange roofs. But that didn't matter. You had to find a specific shoe shop. Now you were currently in a shopping center-like ally with various vendors of different products. It appeared that you were in the fruit section of it all.

Staying to the left side, you continued your way down the street, giving quick glances at your surroundings. "Thank you so much!" A sugary sweet voice said, effectively catching your attention. Wait a second, you know that voice. Looking up, you saw an apple cart with a young man standing in front of it.

The vendor grinned. "No problem. Enjoy!" He said to the younger male with black hair and a matching black cap. It seemed he had just bought an apple. Normally, you wouldn't have cared, but there was something off about that particular apple. Hiding behind the male's thumb was a big, brown mold stain that almost made you cringe.

Unfortunately, the boy didn't seem to notice as he brought it up to his mouth to take a bite. You grimaced and took a quick step forwards. "Uh, I wouldn't eat that if I were you." You said awkwardly to the boy. His eyes widened in surprise before pulling the apple away from his mouth to look at you in innocent confusion.

That's when it clicked. This was Neige LeBlanche, the Magicam celebrity and performer. Looking at him from up close was certainly different from seeing him through the screen. Now you could see just how fair he truly was with his porcelain white skin and big, brown eyes that almost seemed to sparkle.

Strangely enough, despite going to the same school, Neige and Che'nya didn't seem to wear the same clothes. While the purple cat dressed more chaotically, Neige dressed in the standard white RSA overcoat with a cutesy sweater underneath. He also had two bird pins on his coat along with a red broach, seemingly the equivalent of an NRC magic pen.

The boy jumped at your sudden announcement and blinked owlishly at you. "Huh? Why?" He asked in a soft, curious tone. You pointed to where the mold was, just underneath his thumb on the bottom of the apple. "Because it has mold right there." You stated calmly.

Lifting the fruit up, Neige's eyes widened as he saw it as well. "Oh! You're right!" He exclaimed. The vendor's face went sheet white. "A-Ah! I'm so sorry, Mr. LeBlanche. Please, believe me, this sort of thing doesn't happen at all." The man hurriedly explained, quickly beginning to check the other apples in his cart.

Almost surprisingly, but that was just to you because you went to a school full of petty boys and drama queens, Neige just waved him off with a smile. "Ha ha, no need to worry about it." The male reassured. The vendor was still sweating nervously. "Still, it shouldn't have been in there! Ah! I can't believe I almost sold a rotting apple."

Glancing at the man, you gently took the apple of out Neige's hold and began inspecting it. "I can see why you got confused. It looks perfectly fine aside from this little spot down here." You said. The vendor held out his hand to you which you gladly put the apple in.

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