Uniformed -17-

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"Good morning!"


You, Ace, and Grim yelled out before stumbling your separate ways. Ace nearly fell off the couch, you had scooted back, and Grim, well Grim really did fall off the couch and land straight on his face. He scrambled up with a large, annoyed frown planted on his furry face. "Hey, what gives?!" He yelled at the bird man who was smiling widely at the door.

Crowley bowed. "Good morning Grim, Y/N... and Ace? Well, I suppose it doesn't matter as of now. I have brought your new uniform, Y/N. Aren't I simply beyond generous?" You clicked your tongue before sitting up, still slightly annoyed at being awakened so early, especially by a bird who couldn't do anything himself.

"Really? Thanks, Crowley." You said in a bored tone while rubbing your tired eyes. Ace steadied himself. "Did ya really have to come barrelin' in so early in the morning?" He complained.

With no surprise at all, Crowley ignored him. "As I'm sure you've noticed, each dorm has their own colors. Fortunately, we had a little mishap with the coloring a few years ago between the Octavinelle and Ignihyde dorms which has resorted in this particular light blue colored vest. For I am ever so generous, I am allowing you to have it along with the standard coat, tie, and white undershirt. However, you being a special case, will receive... feminine clothing items courtesy of one of our many teachers, Mr. Crewel. Oh, truly Crowley, you are much too kind." Doesn't that make Mr. Crewel kind and not you?

Ignoring the parts about his 'generosity,' you noticed the stack of clothing in one of his hands. A pair of shiny, black Mary Janes laid neatly on top with a beautiful light sky-blue colored vest under it. In the other hand sat two red apples and a can of something. Most likely you and Grim's breakfast which you would have to share with Ace.

Almost immediately after you stood up, Crowley rushed forwards and pushed the pile of clothes into your arms. "Well go on, you don't have all day. I'm sure Grim and Ace will leave some breakfast for you afterwards. Now shoo-shoo." He said ushering you to the stairs.

You stumbled up the stairs, mouth slightly agape and wide eyed with shock before closing your lips, sending an unsure glance to the two boys, and treading upstairs. Crowley turned around once you were out of view and clasped his hands with a smile. "Well I must be off now. A true headmage's work is never done, is it? Ta! Ta!" He waved before speeding out the door.

Ace and Grim stared blankly at the door the bird has just exited from. "That guy has some serious problems." Grim sweat dropped. Ace nodded in agreement before turning to look at the stairs you had disappeared into. How would you look in the NRC uniform? He knew it would definitely be better than that dark sickly gray colored janitor uniform but he still pondered what you would look light.

His face flushed at his immediate and best conclusion. You would most definitely look cute, even if you wore baggy male pants and tie. Speaking of ties, he hooked a finger into his own and tugged, slightly gulping. Was it getting hotter in here or was it just him?

Eventually he looked down to see Grim had already opened his can with beaming eyes and a smile. "So he did keep his promise!" Grim shouted in glee before shoving his whole face into the can causing Ace to slightly retreat in disgust. Oh, poor Grim. Did he really believe Crowley was going to keep a promise.

Moments later, the cat came back up while violently gagging. "UGH! Anchovies?! Gross! This ain't tuna!" He yelled in disgust before pushing the can away from him, causing the anchovies to slide along the floor. Ace raised an eyebrow in amusement. "So there really is something you won't eat, huh?" Grim glared up at him. "Shuddup!" He hissed bitterly before sitting down and crossing his arms in annoyance.

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