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"We were looking for Teresa." The boy with the brown hair–Thomas–plumped down next to the blond guy with the weird but cute accent. Y/n remembered his name as Newt. "But apparently she's not here and you don't know her."

   The sadness in Thomas's voice raised some sympathy in the girl for him. She knew how it felt to lose someone, even if Teresa was probably still alive so their situations weren't exactly the same.

   "We're sorry but we've never heard of her before," Aris spoke up. Then he went over to the bed behind him and sat on the mattress, Y/n following his lead.

   "So, now what?" asked one of the other boys. He had dark hair and an acne-plagued face that it was hard to separate his eyes from the blotches on his face. "We didn't find Teresa, but 2 weird strangers we don't know if we can trust—no offense."

   "None taken," Aris said before Y/n could beg to differ and probably start yelling at the boys again.

   "Not to mention the dead bodies and Cranks outside," added a boy from the back of the group. He had shoulder-length, dirty blond hair, was a few inches shorter than Thomas, and wore the same pajamas as everyone else—flannel pants and a gray t-shirt.

   Y/n shot to her feet at those words, her posture telling everyone how alarmed she was. "What dead bodies and Cranks?"

   "Yeah, the dead bodies are right outside this room and the Cranks are outside the building," explained the boy. "Well, I guess you wouldn't know about the Cranks. You don't have windows."

   It was true. The room Y/n and Aris had slept in was windowless, and its bare, white walls prevented every noise that could be heard from outside from coming into the room.

   "Do you know who the dead bodies belong to?" Aris asked. He was a lot less shaken than Y/n was. He seemed almost calm. Then again, he might be acting calm to not make everyone freak out.

   "I think we've got a pretty good guess on that," the Asian kid, Minho, said. Y/n didn't quite like or trust him. He was too sarcastic and, well, Y/n didn't like him all that much. "We think they are the people who rescued us."

   "From the Maze?" Y/n asked, curious but also annoyed at how naive these boys were. If a bunch of black-clothed people come and rescue you from a maze you don't even know who created, then they are probably not rescuing anyone.

   "How do you know that?" Newt voiced what all the boys were thinking, leaning forward as he did so. His brown eyes were narrowed, trying to guess how Y/n knew that information.

   "We were in a maze too," replied Y/n. Her voice was a bit grim, but only Newt and Aris seemed to have noticed that as both of their gazes softened slightly as they looked at the girl; Aris's a lot more than Newt's.

   "Wait, you were in a Maze too?" Thomas asked. He seemed to be the slowest one to register the words whenever someone spoke, so he always asked questions they already had the answers to.

   "Yes, Thomas, that's what she said, isn't it?" Minho said in a tone that carried a tiny bit of irritation. Y/n could only assume he had suffered Thomas's questions for a long while and was annoyed by it.The dead bodies," Y/n chimed in. "Can I see them?" She was curious about how those people had died, and maybe she wanted to curse them out for killing her brother and friends.

   "What was WICKED up to?" Thomas pondered to himself. His mind seemed to be racing, trying to make things make sense, but Y/n knew it was impossible. None of the things they've all been through made sense. It didn't make sense that their memories were erased. It didn't make sense that a bunch of strange boys were standing in her room, a room that was supposed to be in a protected facility. Yet a bunch of dead people were just outside this room.

The Last Survivor: Surviving the Scorch [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now