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Aris lay on his bed, his back placed on the mattress, staring at the bottom of the bunk above him. Y/n's explanation kept repeating in his head. Had she really figured out that this place was under WICKED's control that fast? Aris couldn't help but be impressed by Y/n's intelligence. She was quite pretty too...

Aris, stop, he chided himself. You can't get attached and you know it!

But she'd trusted him so easily. Maybe he could trust her too...

She'll just keep you from doing your job. Remember, you have to find a cure.

Aris sighed in exasperation and turned to his side, back facing the plain white wall. Why was WICKED so obsessed with the color white anyway? It was so plain. A change of color wouldn't kill anyone, but people would definitely go crazy if they had to endure the color white for their entire lifetime.

He noticed he was just thinking about dumb stuff, so he decided to talk to Teresa. That would keep him sane enough. He wished he could've talked to Y/n instead. He really liked the way her voice sounded. It was soft and made butterflies flutter in his stomach. He shook his head, as if that would help him keep those thoughts at bay.

Teresa, he called out in his mind. When she didn't answer he tried again, but louder this time. Teresa!

After a couple of seconds, she finally replied. What do you want, Aris? I was trying to sleep.

I want to talk to you, he answered. I couldn't sleep. Besides, I think we might have a little bit of a problem.

What in the world are you talking about? she asked.

There's this girl, Y/n. She figured out that the people that 'rescued' her were WICKED.
What?! So quickly?

Teresa paused for a second, but it felt like an hour to Aris. She was the only thing that kept his thoughts from straying. You said 'she'. Where's the rest of her Maze?

I don't know. She was alone when we came.
Teresa stopped again before replying. Do you think they all died?

I hope not. WICKED promised they wouldn't kill off too much. Even as he said it, Aris didn't believe any word he said. WICKED couldn't be trusted, he knew that first hand, yet he agreed to work with them. It was better than being sent into a Maze, then to the Scorch without any memories whatsoever.

They are probably alive, Teresa spoke in his mind. Her voice was full of doubt. They wouldn't kill 40 innocent kids.

Yeah, Aris said back, not even trying to sound convincing one bit. Anyway, how are things in the Glade? The boys are taking a bit long to figure things out. He said that last part a bit smugly, trying to rub it in Teresa's face.

Teresa sent him a picture of her scowling. It wasn't a fair challenge. We both know girls are far smarter than a bunch of boys in muddy clothes. Aris sensed her laughing and this time he sent her a picture of himself scowling at her.You know I'm right, Teresa defended.

Are you out of your coma yet, then? he asked in order to change the subject. It was impossible to challenge Teresa on something and win against her. She always found a way to win.

Yes. They started figuring out the code for the exit. It's only a matter of time before we join you guys at the facility.

I'm looking forward to seeing Thomas again. Haven't seen him for a long while.

The Last Survivor: Surviving the Scorch [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now