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*This chapter includes graphic death scenes, blood, trauma*


Aris braced himself as Beth threw the dagger at him. Who knew a million thoughts could pass in someone's mind in only one second? He shut his eyes tightly just as the blade should've hit him. He slowly opened his eyes when he didn't feel the pain of a knife stabbing him. His glance went from his body, to Beth, to the girl lying on the ground at his feet, a dagger sticking out of her chest. Pure shock enveloped him as he realized the girl was Rachel, his best friend.

   He fell to his knees and placed her head in his lap. Her dark skin and lips were so dangerously pale that Aris could make it out even in the darkness of the room they were in. Her gray shirt was stained with crimson blood where the dagger had stabbed her. He wanted to take out the knife from her chest and stab himself. This was too much to take for him.

   "Please don't die, Rachel," Aris begged her, his eyes full of tears. "Don't leave me. Rachel, please. Don't die on me!" A few tears trickled down his face as he pushed a strand of her curly, dark brown hair out of her face.

   "Aris...," she said, her voice barely a whisper. Her eyes started to droop. She weakly reached out for her best friend and Aris tightly held her hand as her body slowly went limp.

   "I'm here. I'm here, Rachel. Please don't die. Please don't leave me," he begged. Tears were basically pouring down his face now. Someone put her hand on his shoulder and slowly pulled him in a hug, but Aris couldn't look away. His eyes were glued to his now dead best friend. "No. No, no." His voice barely came out a whisper in the dark.

   The voices around him were muffled as he stared at Rachel, the dagger still sticking out of her chest, her clothes stained crimson, blood dripping out of the side of her mouth, her once-blue eyes now gray and lifeless, staring at the ceiling. The tears had stopped a while ago, but he was still sobbing on the inside. His heart ached so much.

   There were some muffled gunshots in the distance, glass breaking and lots of screaming. Aris felt someone haul him to his feet and drag him outside. He let them do it; he was dead on the inside and didn't have energy to object. He closed his eyes and tried to calm himself.

   At some point they were taken out of the building and he was thrown in a black van with all the other 25 girls from the Maze. They all sat on one of the seats but he was too traumatized to even think about where they were going. A woman slammed onto the side of the van, but he didn't even flinch or turn to look at her. Someone sat on the empty seat next to him and put her hand on his shoulder.

   "Aris, I'm so sorry about Rachel," she said. He recognized from the voice that it was Harriet. "She was a really good friend. If I ever see Beth again, I will make sure that bitch doesn't live for another second."

   Aris didn't raise his head, or even made a sign that he had acknowledged what Harriet had said. He knew it was all of this had happened for a reason, but it was hard accepting that his best friend had been killed by the people he was working with. He wanted to hate WICKED, but also couldn't. Because WICKED is good. He put his head in his hands and sobbed, sobbed his heart out till the van came to an end, while Harriet rested her hand on his shoulder and did her to make him feel better.

   "Come on, outside," a male voice ordered, and he descended from the van along with the rest of the girls. They stepped foot on a muddy parking lot, then five guards shuffled them all into the building in front of them, then up a flight of stairs and into a cafeteria. Long tables lined the big room. There didn't seem to be any people in the room except for a y/h girl with h/l, h/s h/c hair and s/c skin.

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