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*blood but like not so much and not graphic, mental health mentions*


As soon as Abigail left her room, Y/n crawled under her bed and took off the vent panel. Her only wish for now was that no one entered her room while she was gone. She stopped, scrambled from under the bed and got up, took her pillows and placed them under her sheets and got back under her bed, closing the panel before she made her way deeper into the vents.

The vents were cold and metal. The last part was probably obvious but there isn't another way to describe them. The place was just wide enough for maybe two very skinny people to crawl side by side. Why had they made the vents human sized, Y/n didn't know, and the more she thought about it, the more it felt like a trap, so she did the logical thing and stopped thinking about it.

She crawled forward on all fours until she finally came to a fork at the end of the corridor. Her gut told her to go left, so Y/n did the exact opposite and went to the right. Normally, she would follow her gut—that was how she had found her way inside the Maze whenever she thought she was lost-–but this time she decided against it. She didn't exactly know why, though.

Y/n crawled and crawled until she saw a vent panel. She sat next to it and looked down from in between the metal blinds. The room below was the exact same room she had been tested in this morning. She knew that room by heart, even if she hadn't seen it from above before, Y/n could still figure out it was the same room that she'd been in a bajillion times.

Y/n kept crawling. She didn't want to be there for another minute; she hated that place. She came to another fork, and this time chose to go left. Next time, she chose to go left again, then two rights, then a left. She finally stopped when she felt like she had been crawling for ages. She turned around to go back to her room, but it hit me that she didn't know which way she had to go.

"Fuck," Y/n cursed under her breath. "I'm screwed." She made her way forward until she reached the fork and decided to go left, pretty sure she was lost and going the wrong way. Y/n was crawling that way when she reached a vent panel that was placed on the wall of the vent. She pushed it open, hoping it was her dorm, and peered inside; the room looked a lot like her bedroom with a bunch of bunks and a door at the back of the room that led into the bathroom.

She was trying to crawl out from under the bed when a familiar male voice called out her name. "Y/n? What the hell are you doing in the vents at this time of the night?" Y/n quickly scrambled out from under the bed and stood up, dusting her clothes. She couldn't quite make out the face of the person in front of her, but she was sure it was a boy because of the voice. "Aris?" she asked, squinting her eyes to see better in the dim light. "Is that you?"

"Yeah, it's me," he replied. "Now tell me what the heck you were doing in the vents at midnight."

"It's 12 AM? I've been in there for 2 fucking hours!" she said, avoiding Aris's question. It would be weird if she told him that she was looking for an escape from the facility. "Y/n–" he started but the girl cut him off. "I was searching for... something."

Aris seemed interested in that. "What's that 'something'?" he asked. Y/n sat on the bed behind her and leaned her head against the wall. Sighing, she said, "Do you think these people really rescued you guys from your Maze?"

"What do you mean?" he asked, the confusion in his voice was heavy. She sighed again and patted the empty mattress next to her. "Sit. This is going to take a while to explain. But first, Aris, can I trust you?"

He looked her in the eyes, and said, "Y/n, you can trust me." Satisfied with his answer, I
Y/n started telling him why she didn't trust any of the workers here. She told him about the tests they had made her go through, about the door in the cafeteria that she wasn't allowed to enter... She even told him about the conversation between Rat Man and Chancellor Paige she had eavesdropped on. She trusted Aris that he wouldn't tell anyone about these.

The Last Survivor: Surviving the Scorch [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now