Octavinelle Epilogue

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Azul runs a hand along the frame before placing it back on the wall. "She worked to restore her reputation, and earned the people's respect that way. I kept saying I wanted to be like her... But in the end, I couldn't accept my own past. I kept rejecting it."

You take Azul's hand in yours. He looks to you in surprise. "You're already amazing as you are, even without stealing anyone else's powers. You've got a far greater power than magic, you know."

Azul quirks an eye. "And what's that?"

"Diligence is way harder to master than magic. In fact, your incredible diligence is so rare it left the headmage at a loss."

"You... You really think?" Azul stares into your eyes. He smiles at you. "You needn't try so hard to butter me up. All I wanted to do was get back at the kids who made fun of me."

You wrap your arms around him in a hug. "Well you don't need to worry about those bullies anymore."

Azul lets out a small laugh and hugs you back. "I guess you're right."

You hug Azul a little more until Grim shouts at you. "Hey, Y/N! You wouldn't believe the size of the dinosaur bones they had back there!"

Grim pulls you over to a fossil of a giant creature. Jade swims over to you. "That wasn't a dinosaur. It was a sea dragon, a type of undersea monster. The Sea Witch's cave entrance was built out of sea dragon bones... or so the tales claim."

Floyd swims upside down to your other side. "They've got a replica of the Sea Witch's cauldron, too."

Deuce perks up. "Really? They have cauldrons under the sea, too?"

Ace scratches his head. "How do you heat things up in the water, anyway?"

"Uhhh..." Floyd shrugs. "Beats me. Azul, you tell 'em!"

Azul steps closer and stands next to you. "Very well. Fair warning, though," Azul grins. "I charge a steep price for playing tour guide."

After you were finished exploring the museum, you all stand in the Mirror Chamber. Grim takes a deep breath of air.

"Oxygen, how I've missed you!"

Deuce smiles. "Visiting the Atlantica Memorial Museum was pretty fun."

Floyd, now in his human form, rubs his shoulder. "I think I was bored to tears last time I went, but I had a good time visiting it again after all these years."

Jade nods. "Once you get a feel for the world up here, it's funny to see how much of it merfolk misinterpreted in the old days."

"That fork-I mean, silver hair comb, was hilarious." Ace grins.

Azul smiles. "I'm glad you enjoyed the trip. I'm sure you must be tired after spending so long in a strange environment. It's just about opening time for the Mostro Lounge. Would you care to drop by for some tea?"

Grim excitedly nods. "You bet I would! I was just gettin' hungry."

You laugh. "When are you not hungry?"

Upon entering the Mostro Lounge, your group finds that it's very busy. Students from different dorms sit at the various tables and chairs, all ordering food or drinks.

"One house special, please and thanks!"

"I'll have the drink set with the limited snack!"

"Coming right up!"

"Whoa!" Ace's eyes widen. "Why's it so crowded in here?"

Jade smiles. "Ah, I see the promotion is paying off already."

Jack flicks an ear. "What promotion?"

"After everything that went down, the headmage chewed us out and said not to take anybody's powers again, even under contract." Floyd explains. "So Azul devised a point card system!"

Ace tilts his head. "Yeah? How's it work?"

"You get one point for ordering a six thaumark drink special." Azul smiles as he explains. "And you get three points for ordering something off the fifteenth thaumark limited menu. When you build up fifty points, you earn the privilege of one free consultation with the manager, namely myself."

Grim's ears perk up. "When you say consultation, do you mean, like, for ANYTHING?"

Deuce puts a hand to his chin. "Let's say I needed help with my studies."

Azul pushes his glasses into place, grinning. "That would absolutely fall within my purview."

"What's more," Jade continues. "when you fill three point cards, you'll unlock even more perks."

Azul pulls out a pamphlet from his coat pocket. "If you want to know more about these offers, please feel free to peruse this pamphlet or browse our website."

Grim rubs his paws together. "Myah! In that case, gimme a special drink! And make it extra drink-y!"

Ace smiles. "Same!"

"I'll have the snack set." Deuce adds.

Azul grins. "We appreciate your prompt orders."

Jack shakes his head. "You guys..."

You sigh. "Nobody's learned anything from this."

Ace and Deuce run to an empty table with Grim trailing after them. You turn to Jack. "Want to sit down with us?"

Jack smiles at you. "I'll sit next to you if that's okay."

You smile back. "Of course!"

You take Jack's hand and rush after the three. Azul turns to the twins. "Come, Jade. Floyd. It's time for us to make some money."

The twins nod.

"Yes, sir."

"You got it, boss."

In the Scaribia lounge, a boy with crimson eyes stands on the balcony. He looks down to the ground below, a scowl on his face.

"First there was the Spelldrive tournament. Now, even in the final exams, our dorm's position remains stagnant... This is a grave matter indeed." He turns around to the lounge inside. "Jamil! Jamil, are you there?"

Jamil steps out from the shadows. "Present, sir."

"Gather all of Scarabia's students on the double." Kalim orders. "If those layabouts think they're in for a relaxing holiday, they are sorely mistaken."

Jamil nods. "Understood, sir. All will be as my housewarden wishes."

Kalim walks away and Jamil watches him go. Once he leaves, Jamil walks to the balcony and looks to the desert surrounding the dorm. Jamil laughs as his plan is falling into place.

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