poem #1~survivor

107 21 14


In the shadows of her haunted mind,

A woman bears the scars, cruel and unkind.

Through the corridors of her haunted past,

Echo the screams, the memories that last.

A childhood lost in a thunderstorm of fear,

Her innocence was stolen, replaced by tears.

In the mirror, she sees the ghost of a child,

Broken and battered, in a world defiled.

Violence whispered in the silent night,

A symphony of terror, a brutal fight.

The walls witnessed the horrors she endured,

A symphony of pain, a life obscured.

Bruised petals of a delicate rose,

In the garden of her soul, where darkness grows.

She was a captive in a house of despair,

Shackled by chains of relentless nightmare.

A river of tears flowed through her veins,

Carrying the weight of unspeakable pains.

Haunted by shadows that refuse to recede,

Invisible scars on her soul, a heart that bleeds.

Fingers clenched around the shards of the past,

Memories sharp, like broken glass.

In the depths of her eyes, a storm rages,

A tempest of anguish, through countless pages.

Yet, within the darkness, a flicker remains,

A flame of resilience that refuses to wane.

In the crucible of pain, she forges her might,

A survivor emerging from the longest night.

In the symphony of her silence, hear her scream,

A tale of horror, like a chilling dream.

Through the violence, she finds her voice,

A phoenix rising, reclaiming her choice.

No more shadows to dance upon her soul,

She escapes the darkness, takes back control.

In the haunted echoes of her tragic past,

A woman survives, free at last.  

~ M.W

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