There was a music club. I saw Tyler and Aaron there and turned to go in the opposite direction. I hadn't talked to Tyler since our conversation the other night.

The poetry club was next. Elle sat in a chair there signing kids up.

Oh dear God, was there a kid from one of these families in every club?

Finally, I came to the newspaper stand. It was called the Tigerian. The tiger was our mascot. I looked around and saw no one I knew from the families, perfect. A guy who did look familiar was standing behind the booth.

I could not place where I had seen him. He had brown hair that he let hang in his face and seemed pretty built. I looked at old issues of the paper while I still tried to place him.

Out of all the clubs this one seemed the most me. I used to love to write for fun and was even on the school newspaper staff back in Dallas. I had got involved in it when Patrick had read one of my short stories and insisted I get involved in some creative writing club. I went ahead and put my name down on the signup sheet. I looked up to the smiling face of this semi-familiar boy.

He held out his hand, "Hey, I'm Nixon, the editor."

Nixon. Duh.

The paper dude was Brenna's rebound guy. I was so used to seeing him glued to Brenna's face, I hadn't recognized him at first.


He smirked, "Oh I know. Elle's best friend. So have you ever written for a paper before?"

"Nope. But I am really good in English if that helps?"

"That's a start. Is there a particular topic you're interested in writing about?"

"Any really. I am pretty flexible."

"Cool. Well, we are having a meeting after school tomorrow. So if you want to get an assignment, come."

"Okay, thanks." I turned and headed back down the hall feeling pretty good about myself. That's when I was stopped by Brenna who looked about as pissed as Ari had on Halloween. She blocked my path as I tried to get around her.

"Can I help you Brenna?" I think that was the first words I had uttered to her on purpose.

"Yeah you can stop trying to steal all my boyfriends."

I was genuinely confused. She seemed pretty sure of herself. I shrugged my shoulders, "I've never stolen your boyfriend. I am literally dating your brother."

"Bullshit. You made Tyler fall all over you and I just saw you talking to Nixon." She got way too close for comfort, "Stay away from him."

I rolled my eyes. I was not about to let her talk to me like this.

"Look, I can't help that Tyler doesn't want you and I am allowed to talk to who ever the hell I want to. I was looking at joining the paper. So leave me the fuck alone and move before I have to move your anorexic ass myself."

She stepped aside and I brushed hard against her as I passed.

I was heading out of the hall when Jensen flagged me down. "Hey Alex."

I smiled, "Hey Jensen, how was your break?"

"Not long enough."

"Tell me about it."

"So what clubs are you joining?"

"I was thinking about joining the paper but the editor is dating Brenna, yuck. What about you?"

"Cross country. You should join! It would get us out of gym and into athletics." Her eyes lit up as that thought hit her brain.

"Do you think I could keep up?"

"Totally. I mean you've been doing great in gym and I have seen you running with Dylan."

I thought about it for a minute. None of the other girls were in track and the boys were all in basketball or baseball for the Spring. "Are there tryouts?"

"There's a meeting on Wednesday, come with me and we can get all the details."


She hugged me and I awkwardly hugged her back. I was not a big hugger. I texted Ari and he met me outside of the fair in the parking lot. We still had time to eat so we headed to the cafeteria. I wanted to tell Ari about the confrontation with his sister but I didn't want to upset him. I was afraid to set him off. I knew it was wrong but I still wasn't sure how to act.

We walked to class and suffered through the test and then Ari walked me to English. I was not very happy when I saw names on each desk. They were all separated into groups of four. My table had Jake, Max, and Tyler. I died a little when she announced that these would be our new seats for the next six weeks as we did a project on Hamlet. Even though Tyler and I had been partnered for Dante, I was sure this was going to over like a lead balloon with Jake.

Sure enough, Jake looked pissed. He made Max sit across from me and he sat on my side. I felt like he was trying to make a force field between Tyler and me using their bodies. Tyler made sure not to look me in the eye if Jake was watching; which he did almost the entire class.

About half way through I snuck out my phone and texted him.

Dude this is weird.


We silently started to talk a little bit. I apologized for running out the other night and he apologized again for starting all this drama. When I got that one I had to fight the emotions that I was sure were coming across my face. I had been waiting a long time for that, even if it was via text. I sent him a smiley face since I couldn't actually smile at him without attracting attention to myself.

The bell rang and Jake practically dragged me out of there. He started complaining about how idiotic our teacher was for putting Tyler in our group when we had already been paired for the last assignment.

I just kept texting Tyler while nodding in agreement with Jake. I reached Jake's Jeep and found Ari already there. We headed to his house with Jake still going on. Ari was not overjoyed about the idea of Tyler and me in a group together again but he left the complaining to Jake.

The night went on and I hung out with Ari and Elle in peace. That is, until Brenna came in the house with Nixon on tow. She looked livid that I was in her house. As if I wasn't over there practically every day.

She didn't bother with niceties before scowling and saying, "She needs to go."

Bitch, I am right here. I can hear you...

Elle and Ari both responded 'no' in unison.

"Yes. Nixon is here and I don't want that little homewrecking bitch here."

Ari was on his feet in an instant and in her face. "Say that one more time, I dare you."

It was the first time I had seen him riled up since he got back from the hospital.

"Your girlfriend is a home wrecking, ungrateful little skank, who came into my life and royally screwed it up!"

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