Chapter 12

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With Elle, Laura, and I being the only ones in tenth grade I really had not expected having so many classes with other kids from the families. I was surprised that I ended up with none at all with Laura either. It was overwhelming to think about trying to get used to all this coursework while also dealing with the drama these families brought. I slowly found my way to Spanish after Study Hall. I managed not to have any kids in there either that I knew. I breathed a sigh of relief. This class was also really small. Apparently most kids were interested in French. Spanish was a lot more useful in Texas and I had already taken a year of it.

I walked out of Spanish and almost bumped into Danny. He was coming from French One. We walked and caught up for a moment as he showed me to my English class. He pointed me in the right direction and headed the other way. I almost puked when I saw who was standing outside of my class.

Tyler was talking with some guys and they seemed to magically want to leave as soon as I got within ear shot. I avoided Tyler's eyes and tried to go into the classroom. I felt his hand pulling me back. I wrenched my hand free of his and gave him what I hoped came off as a death glare.

He had a puppy dog look on his face. "Can we talk?"

"I would rather not. Besides you already promised not to speak to me again without permission."

"I'm sorry about earlier Alex. Talk to me please."

"Tyler what is there to say? You totally hit on me in front of your girlfriend's siblings. What were you thinking?"

"That Brenna would hear about it and might just get mad enough to dump me."

I couldn't help but feel a dumbfounded expression pass over my face. "You know how stupid that is right?"

He put his hands on his head trying to massage what looked like a migraine. "Trust me I know. She just won't dump me already and I can't keep acting like she's not the most annoying human being on the planet."

"Then dump her."

"No. Then she would get the band."

He was being serious. I rolled my eyes. "Fuck with me like that again and I'll show your face why James always rubs his arm after I punch him."

His eyes widened, "Little Harrison has a potty mouth."

I rolled my eyes again, "Only when I'm mad."

He held out his arms like he wanted to hug me.

Was this a peace offering?

I leaned in and hugged him for a moment.

As I leaned out of it he laughed and remarked, "You really are a Harrison. Only a Harrison would call me out on my bullshit like this."

"Get used to it. I don't like bullshit drama like that mess earlier. Don't do it to me again."

"I promise I won't. You need to get to class though. Grade nine and ten English is in the morning. What are you even doing in this hall?"

I blushed, "I have 11th grade English."

"Principal Stone talk you into that?"

I shrugged, "She highly suggested it."

He rolled his eyes, "She is always getting us to take harder classes or ones that are above our own grade levels."

"That's what I figured out today. I have the 9th graders in several of my classes."

He laughed and I followed him into the classroom. I saw Jake sitting next to Max, and Aaron Sitting next to Reece, the only kid I hadn't re-met in this group. The only free seats were next to Ryan and Reece and would have me sitting next to Tyler. Tyler looked like a cocky ass when he saw the seating arrangement. I honestly was at a loss on how to handle this kid.

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