Chapter 17

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School was the next day. That was not the smartest idea and another reason I loved American Thanksgiving more. Several of the kids, including Dylan and James, were hung-over. Principal Stone couldn't even comment on it because she seemed to be nursing her own hangover when I saw her on the way to my first period.

There was a seat in between Miri and Danny meaning I would be playing peacemaker today.

I looked at Miri first, "Want to tell me what happened or do you want me to start with him?"

She rolled her eyes but answered, "We got into a fight over the fact that his skanky sister Nina started flirting with and then making out with Tyler after Brenna went home last night!"

Danny cut in, "You know Tyler was the one coming on to her! He's been desperate to get away from Brenna for months!" This was definitely one of the issues with members of such a small social circle commingling. I was not looking forward to the fallout that was sure to come from this.

"Why don't you two let those three be adults, or as close to it as they can be, and let them figure it out?"

Danny stuck out his tongue at Miri, "Told you."

Very mature Danny.

Miri looked mad at me now, "No, Alex. Nina has had her sights set on Aaron and now Tyler for ages. It was wrong what she did. She knew Tyler was drunk off his ass and upset after Brenna had been laying into him for hours. Now she is trying to act all innocent once she got busted. That is not okay at all. Until Danny admits that I am not okay."

I looked back at Danny. "You know Nina shouldn't have done that. Unless she started after I left, she wasn't drinking last night." I looked at Miri then, "You know it's not okay to call his sister skanky even if she did something stupid. Both of you need to apologize for acting like toddlers when this stuff really doesn't concern you even if they're your siblings." They both agreed with me finally and seemed to cool off mostly by the end of the period.

That didn't stop Miri from giving Nina the stink eye in the hall. I knew that this was going to cause drama in other places too. Miri peeled off from our group to go and talk to Gavin. I was sure that had to do with their brother's behavior from last night. Aaron popped into my thoughts then. He was still happily dating Elle. His brother having drama with Elle's sister wasn't going to go well. This all felt like a spiderweb or soap opera and I was not about to get tangled up in that wed.

There was one more surprise waiting around the corner as I approached my next class. Brenna was making out in a corner with some guy that was not Tyler.

I tugged on Danny's jacket. "Looks like she's getting even with Tyler?"

Danny looked over in Brenna's direction and his nose began to curl. "Looks like she chose Nixon Bostick is her rebound."

"That didn't take long. It's been less than like what twelve hours?"

"It never does with Bren. She gets jealous after picking guys that are known for sucking at relationships and then goes on a rebound bender with another dude the second shit explodes in her face."

"Ew. Ty may have messed up last night but he deserves better than this. I saw them when I left last night. Brenna was going at him and he was just taking it."

Danny nudged me, " All I've heard about for months is how much Miri hates Brenna Evans. I'm just happy it looks like she's taking on a new victim."

I stopped short and looked at Danny, "Does this happen a lot though? Members of the Families hooking up and breaking up and all that mess?"

My Life In Pieces (Book #1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora