Chapter 6

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The alluring neon lights of the night were now replaced with fluorescents. I stayed close to James as we made our way to the middle of the room. It gave us a good view of the band. Brenna kept giving me bitch face glares.

I started to look for her step-brother. Finding only band members, I slumped down in a chair and listened to them warm up. About twenty minutes later they actually started playing music.
They had already finished rehearsing two songs when the doors opened and several people filed in. I didn't recognize two of them.

The other three, to my delight, were from last night. I forced my butt to stay put as Ari walked in last. I was not going to be that pathetic girl with a school girl crush. Even if that was exactly what this was. My gut sank as they all headed toward the opposite side of the room. Ari met my gaze as he walked past, a small smirk crossing his lips. I guess everything and everyone was different in the daylight.

James nudged me. "They aren't ignoring you." By they I knew he meat, Ari. I lifted my brow up showing I heard him. "I never sit with them when the band practices. All they do is wine about how the acoustics are all wrong or reflect on hidden meanings in the songs. It's fucking annoying."

My face fell. "I thought all of the kids hung out?"

He laughed. "Hate to tell ya Lex, but there are cliques within cliques. I normally hang out with most of the hockey guys. Tyler and I have just been buddies since we were kids, before I got into sports and he started his band. Ty hangs out with the band kids and the artsy ones. We just hang out alone most of the time if the two of us actually want to chill."

"So you don't think he's" James followed my gaze "figured out who I am and decided it wasn't worth the getting made fun of?"

James stifled a laugh, "Ari doesn't give a flying fuck about being made fun of. He is his own person for sure. He'll come over when he's ready. Give him time. I'm surprised he actually had the balls to ask you to dance last night. He's usually a lot shyer than that."

My cheeks blushed at the memory of me almost face planting in front of Ari. That was how we actually started dancing. James didn't need to know that though. I wanted to change the subject. "You're the mascot right?"

"Yeah. Mommy Dearest said I had to keep busy during the Hockey off season. It was mascot duty or band until October when Hockey starts and she's off my back until Track in the spring."
I laughed louder than I was probably supposed to. I looked up and saw Brenna glaring at me. I smiled meekly and went back to talking to James. I tried not to gawk at Ari. He seemed to be having a good time over in his group. I couldn't help but look over there every couple of minutes though. I tried to look completely interested in the band or in whatever James was saying but I was still just getting sucked into the blackhole on the other end of the room.

Today Ari was wearing what looked like the same jeans from last night and a plain gray t-shirt that hugged every curve of his well-toned chest. Flashbacks of running my hands over that same chest played in my head on repeat.

A pair of gorgeous blue-gray eyes interrupted my gawking as our eyes met. He smiled slightly, holding my gaze. I felt the urge to wave but didn't want to look like an idiot. The band took a break and Ari got up and walked away from his group.

My throat went dry.

Ari was headed straight for us. James stood up and greeted him. My legs felt like Jell-O. I couldn't stand up. He was standing over me.

Stand up you freak!

I willed my legs to propel me upwards so that I was finally standing too. My heart felt as if it might explode. Ari looked from James to me. "Hey Alex, nice to see you again. James' is really getting you plugged in."

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