Chapter 18 - The DC

Start from the beginning

'Can't be too careful with two Alacryans now.'

"I suppose we should go get changed shouldn't we?" I said making my way to the door with my initials engraved on it.

{I can feel your excitement oozing through our link. Just how excited are you about starting school?}

[Well, it was really nice to see Tess and Lilia again. Not to mention the special privileges we're getting is a nice plus. Especially, with how we had to live as adventurers. I mean, we each have our own private bathrooms and showers. It's fantastic!]

I chuckled as I stepped back out into the DC's lobby, now dressed accordingly. Walking to each wall conversing with Sylv as I inscribed a symbol onto each one. A dual rhombus surrounded a sphere, its face composed of hexagons. Sylv having changed accompanied me as I finished inscribing the symbols.

"Ah your setting up that field spell we've been working on." Sylv asked as she peaked around my shoulder.

"That I am. You were a huge help last time we attempted it. Due to the mana consumption I hypothesized that we both have to activate it as it's too risky for one of us to drain ourselves." I said finishing the last symbol. Sylv moved to add her mana to establish and hide each symbol. "With that being said currently it is difficult to insta-cast or even conjure the spell due to the complexity."

In the end this is a precaution against both Dranevee's attack and the Lances when they arrive to arrest Arthur. I was left wondering if Lucas was still going to rebel or if he was going to change due to Bairon. I suppose only time will tell.

'We do have an extended amount of time after all.'

I thought back to twisting Gideon to slow the construction of the Dicatheous until we had provisions against the replicating of the design.

Just then Claire walked in, her scarlet red hair swaying behind her as she noticed us. "Oh, I must say you two are extremely early. We don't meet until tomorrow morning."

"Claire Bladeheart, it is wonderful to meet our captain. I am Sylvie and this is Remington. Cynthia did inform us about your arrival so we figured we be in uniform meet you." Sylv spoke as if she had rehearsed the line for hours on end. Motioning towards our rooms she explained how we had accepted the rooms offered in the DC due to the added privacy.

"Ah, so you are the ones the Director told me to rely on. Your brother will be joining as well, right?"

We nodded and chatted for a while after before deciding that it was late enough and dismissed ourselves.


Next morning, Sylv and I sat on one of the few couches of the lounge. Most of the DC members except Theo and Claire denied the rooms. The DC members arrived to the lounge in pairs. Claire and Theo arrived first, Theo attempting to flex his strength the same way he did to Art. I smirked, meeting his handshake I lightened the gravity around me while increasing his exponentially. His eyebrows twitched as he fought the gravity.

"I see the Director selected you for a good reason." Theo said breaking the handshake. I released my control as the Glayder siblings walked in, Grawder close behind. Curtis, being his usually aloof self, seemed to not recognize us. Kathlyn, on the other hand, showed a rare expression of joy at our presence. Sylv and I waved as Curtis finally recognized us.

"Prince Curtis, Princess Kathlyn, it sure has been many years." I said looking between them and Sylv. "Though it is good to see you both in good health."

"Likewise Remington, Sylv, we have much to catch up on. How would a cup of tea sound later?" Kathlyn asked her usual monotone voice had a hit of excitement in it.

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