An Unexpected Skittles

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Greek Gods by Viria.

Piper's POV:

So apparently the table we chose represents bravery and whatnot. I mean, I'm not surprised, we saved the world(or did we save the world from the world? Like, save the world from Gaia who kinda is the world?")

Anyways, we sat down next to a boy with black hair and glasses, a boy with ginger hair and freckles, and a girl who had bushy brown hair.

When we started introducing ourselves, they said some pretty odd stuff.

"Hi, my name is Hermione Granger, that red-head over there is Ron Weasley, and the one with glasses is Harry Potter, Boy Who Lived."

We just sat there like idiots and the trio seemed shocked. 

"Merlin's beard! How to do you not know who Harry is?" Ron burst out. 

"Ah, let's just say that we had our own problems back in America. This powerful witch nicknamed herself Gaia after the Greek earth goddess." Annabeth hastily covered up. "You see, we're kind of Greek-Roman inspired, so a lot of stuff in our community is like that."

Ron stared at her for a couple of seconds, muttered an "oh" quietly, then turned his attention back to his shepherd's pie.

Curiously, Hermione asked, "So what's your school like? I haven't ever heard of Camp Olympus from America."

Annabeth blinked, then answered, "Well, when you spent a while at our school, you choose a Greek or Roman godly patron. Then, you'd study magic based off your patron. Also, our school is highly secretive, so very few knows about it. It's also split into two separate school buildings, in case one gets attacked."

Hermione nodded along, "Very interesting, so what patron do you all have?"

Annabeth shrugged, "I like to delve into all kinds of magic, so I chose Athena, the goddess of wisdom." At this, the bushy haired girl's eyes lit up. Ah, so we found ourselves another Annabeth.

Percy went next; "Poseidon, god of the sea. I'm a literal water bender, you might say."

Wounding his aviator jacket around him, Nico mumbled, "Hades, God of the Underworld."

Thalia signed, "Zeus, god of the sky."

Jason looked up from the Olympian sized pizza which had appeared for all of our dinners, "My patron is Jupiter, the Roman aspect of Zeus, the Roman god of the sky."

I decided I might say something, so I piped up, (Geddit? Piper? Piped?) "I'm rather interested in the whole "love" concept, so I chose Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty."

Nudging her boyfriend, Hazel said, "My patron is Pluto, Roman aspect of Hades, god of the Underworld." 

Rubbing his arm where Hazel nudged him, Frank grumbled, "Mars, god of war, I wanted Apollo at first, but there was no vacancy."

Bursting into flames, Leo literally screamed at the top of his lung, "Hephaestus, god of metalworking, and da coolest god eva!"

"Leo Valdez, for the last time, stop bursting into flames at dinner!"

We all swivelled around to see who said it.


Well, how was that!? Don't worry, I'll finish off that cliffhanger for you soon!

See ya!


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