11 2 1

Ilgnam ~ il-g-nahm
Dhandria ~ zhan-dree-ah
Cosdn ~ koz-deen


THEY both watched helplessly as the portal disintegrated into nothing in front of them. Marcela was about to push her good leg through when the ground trembled, causing Gema to drag the Emeraldine back.

Now they stood endless miles away from the rest of the group with nothing but themselves and silence as their companion.

"Why didn't it wait for at least me to pass through."

Gena frowned. "And leave me stranded here alone."

"You're a natural-born leader. You'll know what to do," Marcela said, pulling her arm away from Gema, whom she had been resting on.

"And you're the best survivor out of all of us. If anyone can make their way alone, it's you."

She was about to let out a retort when her mind drifted. "Oh, Jamie." She couldn't help the heaviness that rested on her chest.

"He's smart. He'll know what to do," Gema remarked. "We should get back to the Mansion and discuss with Lady Minerva. If I knew this forest like I knew the Mansion, I would have ported out of here at once, but it's dark and we don't have what Ryn had that made her find this portal."

Despite Gema's convincing words, her eyes revealed how uncertain she was about making their way out as they moved from tree to tree.

"This is my natural habitat. I can get us out of here," Marcela assured, settling the question in her counterpart's eyes.

"Oh, what would I do without you?" Gema cheered in relief.

As they trudged on, Marcela had her mind plagued by thoughts of the Sapphirian. Though Gema was right in saying that Jamie was smart, that gave him a tendency to overthink and get stuck in his thoughts, something she had witnessed over the years. Since they had left Wlerden, they had been together, never apart. Everything that happened to them, happened to them together.

This would be the first time he would be alone. Even though he had three other people with him, Marcela knew it wouldn't make much of a difference as Jamie found it hard to trust people. That was where they were both alike, but one thing that differed was their interaction with people they didn't trust.

While Jamie would particularly make it clear and would give them a hard time, she would go about it with a different approach. Her words would be kind, sweet, and alluring to the point the person would think they had garnered her trust.

"He could go out of his mind though," Gema started. "This is the first time we've split ever since we left."

"He'll handle it well. I trust him."

She felt Gema's eyes on her side. "How do you have so much trust? I mean, I know I always hammered on it—"

"And I took your hammering pretty seriously," she said with a teasing smile. "It's hard for me to place my trust in someone and when I trust someone, I do so totally, leaving no room for doubts."

"That's why you don't trust many."

"Exactly. You, Jamie, Dovelyn, and Grandma Terrwyn."

"You didn't trust your parents?" Gema asked with genuine curiosity tainting her words.

"Of course I did. But you can't place trust in the dead."


Aside from the trust, Marcela had harbored deep love and pride for her parents, and her parents' death was never a touchy one for her.

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