14 | A Ripple in The Wall

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Rhiea ~ rah-ee-ah
Antecua ~ an-tee-k-wuh
Vunmarc ~ vuhn-mahrk
Ulianph ~ oo-lee-an-f
Whiscanter ~ why-can-ter

WHEN she woke up this time, there were no hushed voices or ravaging heat or swelling pain. She didn't want to attribute it to the drink Marcela gave her, but she couldn't deny it, either.

Along with the bandage on her injured arm, there was another one across her palm. Must have been another cut.

Her worry for Kara and Elowen only increased as she wondered what kind of torture these people were subjecting them to.

What if these people already knew she was this Silverein? Could they have had something to do with her parents' deaths?

There was a lot to think about, but she couldn't afford to waste time thinking.

She took her time to get up and when she was sure she could stand firmly, she headed towards the door with small steps. The door opened to a straight hallway with two doors on both sides. She noticed some signs with different colors on them.

Up ahead was a staircase which she followed to the floor above, but when she arrived, it was a hallway that led to nothing. The stillness of the air made the room feel empty and lifeless, with no doors or windows to break the monotony.

Why would they have an entire floor for nothing?

She glimpsed around and if she had blinked, she would have missed it. She'd caught a ripple-like movement on the wall to her right and stepped closer to place her hand on the wall. The sensation on her fingers made her feel she was sinking into something soft, yet her hands roamed around the wall until she felt a doorknob. Her mind struggled to make sense of the sensation she felt and the empty wall in front of her.

Yet, logic failed her and her only conclusion was Magic.

She turned the invisible doorknob and pushed, but instead of the wall giving in as she expected, her hand went through the wall. The sight threatened her with a wave of nausea, but she pushed it down with a deep breath, knowing that this would be the first of many odd things she would experience.

With closed eyes, she took a step and even if she had prepared herself for the surge of ripples that drove through her, nothing would have prepared her for the sight her eyes met.

The world changed in an instant. Gone were the empty walls replaced with a space that spanned wider than she could see. Shocks of blue light floated above, below, and around her. Although her feet could feel the solid earth beneath her, her eyes concluded she was standing on a blue mist.

It was the same shade of blue as the searing light Jamie shot toward her in the forest. Taking her eyes from the mystical sight, she raised her head to take in the various equipment that filled some area of the space. The apt arrangement reminded her of a gym.

Just before she could stray further, a burst of blue light spread across the room, once again surging toward her.

A scream emerged from her and she steeled her mind and body for the impact, raising her feeble hands as some form of shield, but the force never came. She lowered her arm, giving her eyes the view of a foggy blue wall towering some inches above her.

Was this ice?

The wall swiftly evaporated to reveal a bare-chested and sweaty Jamie. His muscles bulged around his folded arms adding to his menacing stance. Gone was the calm nerd she knew him as, and in his stead was someone whose aura seemed to command a lot of respect and also someone who had a well-shaped trunk.

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