Chapter 7

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 I wake up to shouts from downstairs. My reaction at first is to hide under my covers like a child but my curiosity gets the best of me.

I get up out of bed and tiptoe to the door. The door creaks when I open it but I doubt anyone would be able to hear that. I slowly make my way down the hallway until I reached the top of the stairs and I could clearly hear the voices now.

"Do you think I want to keep doing this!" I hear my buyer shout.

"Of course not, but I think you should stop, there is no point in killing anymore people." The maid said. Her voice isn't really yelling but it is a lot louder than the voice she used on me so I am just going to think that's her yelling voice.

"You don't understand why I have to kill."

"I do, don't you think it hurt me as much as it hurt you?"

"I know that it hurt you, that's another reason why I can't stop." What are they talking about, I thought, and how is the maid involved?

"Killing people is never going to make it better." I hear the maid say gently. I hear footsteps coming my way. I should run back to my room but Im frozen in place. I see my buyer appear and the maid following after him.

"Killing people will make them understand what a big mistake they made," He says. He is in the shadows so I still can not see him clearly.

"They understand Leo, you need to realize that." My maid says gently reaching out for him but I see the shadow of his body move away from her. The maid drew back her hand.

"They'll never understand!" He screamed at her. "They will never realize what a big mistake they made and that's why I never will stop killing."

"You are killing innocent people who had nothing to do with it."

"Everyone had something to do with it, and you know its better for them to die by my hand then whats going to happen to them!"

"Leo, what about the girl,do you want her to be even more scared of you than she already is?"

"She knows I kill people, I mean how couldn't when she lived with that stupid family," He growled out.

"Just try not to scare her too much, you know she's going through so much right now, being bought by a serial killer probably doesn't help her anxiety."

"I'm trying not to scare her but what's the point, she will never realize that I probably saved her." Saved me!! If he wanted to save me maybe he should bring me back to my family or set me free.

"She will understand one day, give her time."


"Go clean up, you don't want her seeing you like that."


He steps forward into the light and it takes my eyes a second to realize what it splattered all over his body.

Blood,blood on his face,blood on his shirt,blood on his pants,blood on his shoes.

I gasped and then his eyes shot up to mine. I was frozen in fear, he starts stomping up the stairs towards me with the most nastiest look on his face. When he reaches the top of the step he grabs my wrists and puts them against the wall ruffly. I try to move away from him but it's no use.

"Do you think you can just listen to our conversations,"He says. I can't stop looking at the blood all over him.

"I-I-" I can't form any words as he looks at me.

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