You just had to piss him off didn't you? Jai worriedly said.

"Snake print is not really a good look on you. It looks very tacky." Dominic said in a chirpy voice.

Yup read that again.


When I opened my eyes I saw him holding the shirt in his hand, up against my neck and scrutinising it like it was a gross abomination.

"It's not giving" he said.

He rummaged through the pile of clothes I had, casually rejecting them all, until he pulled out the crimson shirt I had picked and brought it up to me again.

"This is actually really cute." Dominic smiled brightly, staring at me in the mirror. I had never seen all his teeth before ever in my life and I had to admit his smile was really pretty. It made him look his age for once, usually he looks like a grumpy old man.

"Try it on" he said before turning around looking the other way leaving me staring speechlessly my at the mirror.

What is happening?

Dominic is smiling? He's picking outfits? Casually shopping like...a normal person? Turning around when I asked him to and...and....


And he looks good too. Jai smiled.

I had to agree, looking at his broad back in the mirror. He was dressed in jeans and a powder blue t-shirt that said "Bloodwolf Gardening Club." His hair was not gelled like it usually is but looked relaxed and clean, which really made his cheeks pop and made him look...breezy and laid back. Like he had just gotten back from a walk on the beach. He looked like just another guy....

...except he was not.

Yeah I bet he looked good when he choke slammed you on the table huh.

Jai needs to get up off his knees right this moment. I will not unravel in his hands.

Point made. Jai admitted.

"Can I turn around now?" Dominic asked.

"No. I'm not done yet."

I put on the shirt and looked at myself in the mirror. It fit me quite well and the material was mesmerising, like liquid red shiny paint. It was soft too, it glides against my skin like woven air.

"How about now?" Dominic asked again impatiently.

The smile that had crept up my lips due to this gorgeous shirt quickly died.

"No. I'm not done."

"How about now?"




"Cmon now you have to be done?"

"No I'm not."

"How long does it take you to put on a shirt."

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