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Rrriinnggg rrriinnggg

Jungkook's alarm set off, he sighed tiredly as he roughly turned off the thing, after few minutes of still laying in bed, he dragged himself to the bathroom.. He did his morning routine and stepped out, he blow dried and styled his hair before putting on his uniform, he searched for his backpack and tossed it on the bed when his eyes landed on it..

He started arranging his school materials, and sorting out his books according to his timetable.. When he finished, he grabbed his phone and slung his backpack on one shoulder..

He skipped down the stairs, his mom was already in the dining room setting the table..

"Morning mom" jungkook greeted as he strolled towards her.
"Ah jumgkook-ah, how was your night" she asked as she gave him a side hug, and almost tiptoed to kiss his cheeks, jungkook had to bend slightly, he was growing tall everyday  and Mrs Jeon wasn't loving it.. She just gave birth to jungkook yesterday! Why is he growing so fast!

"I'll have to start wearing heels around you" Mrs Jeon said and laughed.. Jungkook chuckled and sat, he started at his watch 7:10, he sighed..

"Is taehyung also not coming today?". Mrs Jeon asked as she sat..

Jungkook frozed in his seat...

Yesterday being Monday, taehyung hadn't showed up to their house, and Mrs Jeon was sort of expecting him, when jungkook finished having his breakfast, Mrs Jeon had asked jungkook why taehyung hadn't arrived yet..

"Oh maybe he's just running late, I'll drop by at his place"

Mrs Jeon oh-ed at that, although it was the first time she witnessed taehyung running late, but she shrugged it off and let jungkook's excuse sink in...

But taehyung didn't drop by today also, and Mrs Jeon was  worried something might be wrong.

"Oh.. He.. Um.. Yeah.. We decided to switch..." jungkook paused staring at his mom, hoping she was buying his lies, how was he going to tell her they had a huge conflict.. Mrs Jeon quirked her brows in confusion, jungkook cleared his throat..

"I'll be going to get him in his house for the week.. We are taking turns now" jungkook said.. Mrs Jeon slowly nodded..
"Are you sure it's just that? " she suddenly asked causing jungkook to almost choked on his food.. Mrs Jeon rushed over to him and started patting him on the back  muttering a sorry, jungkook gulped down his glass of water.. Mrs Jeon went back to her seat when she was sure jungkook was okay...
"No talking while eating mom" he croaked out.. Mrs Jeon smiled at him apologeticly
"I'm sorry, it's just , even after school yesterday, taehyung didn't show up.. It's unlike him.. And you didn't even talk about him one bit since I came back from my trip.. " Mrs Jeon stated...
"He's slightly busy, exams are fast approaching, and you know how he is with books.. I don't want to disturb him considering he's offering a tough subject.. He's taking extra lessons now " jungkook's lies rolled of his tongue perfectly...
"Omo, then you'll have to register for extra lessons.. I don't want your brain to get clogged "
"Mommm! " jungkook whined, Mrs Jeon laughed..

Jungkook ate hurriedly and rushed out of the house before his mom would get serious about him taking extra lessons..


"Why are you forcing me to go in your car, I don't want to" taehyung whined.

Namjoon was dragging taehyung out of the house, with taehyung's hand under his arm..

"Why don't you want to go in my car, you should be grateful I'm giving you a ride" Namjoon blurted..

"Your car is old and ugly" taehyung complained.. Namjoon laughed
"I hear you" Namjoon replied..
"It doesn't even have AC" taehyung tried again..
"Ha! Jokes on you, I fixed it" Namjoon replied.. Taehyung groaned as Namjoon shuffled him into the passenger seat..
He started fumbling with the radio station in the car..
"Don't touch taehyung!" Namjoon half yelled at his brother..
"I didn't want to be here in the first place, either you let me do what I want or let me use my bike" taehyung said, then stucked his tongue out.. Namjoon scoffed..
"You're a pest"
"And so are you..."  taehyung blew raspberries..

love in seoul // TAEKOOK  🐯 🐰Where stories live. Discover now