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The week flew by in a daze, jungkook and taehyung's friendship has been on a thin line over the days... Apparently jungkook was finding it hard to keep to his promise, the duo bicker almost everyday and jimin somehow was the one to always settle their dispute.

One time jungkook had literally invited eun ji to seat with them at lunch which did not sit well with taehyung... Jimin however concurred that Eun ji literally make heads turn, no wonder jungkook is so whipped, he was too but luckily he's proudly gay.. Taehyung grabbed his tray of food and went to another table

"Is he okay?" Eun ji had asked, jungkook stared at his friend's retreating body then turned to Eun ji and gave a small smile "he sure is" he answered
"He doesn't like me, i know he left because of me... I'll just go sit somewhere else" Eun ji said as she made attempt to. Stand up
"Dont sweat it, he'll come around". Jungkook assured, Eun ji nodded and sat

Jimin however felt pity for taehyung
"I'll go to him" he said and grabbed his tray without waiting for jungkook to reply.

Another time was jungkook offering to walk Eun ji home as she said her house wasn't too far from school, jungkook had asked taehyung to come with him but the latter refused and went on home alone on his bike... It was quite the first time he was riding home from school alone, even when jungkook would get sick taehyung would also skip school until jungkook gets well, it was vice versa...

"I'm sorry"
"Please forgive me"
"Okay it won't happen again"
All these was jungkook making empty promises again and again....

Taehyung sighed as he rode home alone for the second time that week.
Should I tell him I like him?
I've always liked him
Should I just tell him in not just jealous? I get upset when he talks and laugh so heartily with her, yeah I didn't feel this bad when girls coo at him, he wasn't really giving them any attention right?.. But I'm so scared now, with Eun ji around I'm really so scared, the way his eyes lit up when he sees her, I wish it was because of me.. The way he sounds so chirpy whenever he's around her, the way he looks at her, the way he smiles wholeheartedly whenever she spoke, I wish he did so for me, he must really like her.. If not love.

Taehyung thought as he rode silently... Feeling a pang of hurt In his heart...apayo, jeongmal apayo

Taehyung avoided jungkook like plague in school and on the streets, they lived quite near each other, jungkook's house was just few blocks away... They could see each from their respective home if they were standing close to the walkway.

Taehyung stopped waiting for him both before and after school He prefers walking now anyways
And taehyung started sitting at the other wing of the classroom whenever he had class with jungkook... He'd find an empty class to eat his lunch... And would leave for home immediately bell rung for closing..... Maybe my feelings for him would stop if I keep avoiding him like this

All this ordeal is what got jungkook right outside taehyung's door on a Saturday evening..

"He said to tell he doesn't want to see you" Mrs Kim blurted eying jungkook up, as soon as she opened the door... Blocking jungkook's attempt to enter... Jungkook groaned...
"Ma'am pleaaaseeee... At least let me in" jungkook begged..
"How dare you hurt my baby and you expect me to let you in?". Mrs Kim asked
"I didn't hurt him.."
"Yes you did, my baby isnt his cheerful self anymore, he literally cried last night saying he missed his brother... The taehyung I know never misses his brother, even if he does, he has never ever admitted it,i had to call Namjoon to come home but he said he's caught up with school projects " Mr Kim said in one breath, jungkook scratched his nape nervously..
"Well I'm here to talk to taehyung now, it's just a misunderstanding Mrs Kim I swear, I really want to settle things... He has refused to talk to me " jungkook said " so can I come in now? " he added... Mrs Kim eyed him up and sighed
"Aisshh I'm too old for this, come on in and resolve this issue... Tsk tsk youngsters of nowadays ". She mumbled as she opened the door wider for jungkook to go in... Jungkook muttered a thank you and dashed upstairs for taehyung's room...

love in seoul // TAEKOOK  🐯 🐰Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora