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It was quite windy on Monday morning, maybe it was going to finally rain.. Students trooped into the school premises, mostly in pairs...

Jungkook and taehyung already arrived and they were both at the parking rack, with taehyung struggling with strapping his bike in... Jungkook stood with a pout... And taehyung doing anything to avoid his gaze..

"For the last time kookie, no" taehyung had said when he felt jungkook's eyes on him... After successfully strapping his bike, he placed his hands on his waist in satisfaction.. His backpack was slung in one  shoulder.. "Let's go, let's look for jimin... Since we're a bit early" taehyung said...

"Taeeeee" jungkook whined... "Pulleeaaseeeeee" he begged giving his best puppy eyes...

Taehyung sighed...
"An agreement is an agreement" he said...

Jungkook was supposed to handover his phone to taehyung as usual but for some reason jungkook had refused, taehyung on the other hand was not having it.. Even though jungkook promised he was going to focus in class and not play games, taehyung refused and bargained that either jungkook left his phone at home or they carry on with their deal, jungkook refused both of the suggestion and taehyung being hardheaded and love to always get what he wants  decided to tackle jungkook and get the phone out of jungkook's grip... Well not without Mrs Jeons help, because jungkook was overly strong  and taehyung could not possibly over power him alone... So all thanks to Mrs Jeon for tickling jungkook  and jungkook loosing his guard, that was how taehyung could get the phone...
"Thanks Mrs Jeon" taehyung said giving his triumphant boxy smile
"I've always known you liked taehyung more than me" jungkook said and stuck his tongue outat his mother... His mom ruffled his hair, laughing while she headed back to the kitchen.

"I literally said I wasn't gonna play games... Just give it to me" jungkook reasoned...
"No means no... Let's get out of here" taehyung said strolling away with his hands dipped in his pockets.. Jungkook however did not make a move..
"Are you coming or not?" taehyung asked when he was a little bit further away from the latter..
"Well.." jungkook started as he headed to taehyung with a sly smile on his face  "its not like you get to keep the phone for the rest of your life, you'll be giving it to me during lunch break  remember?" jungkook asked in a mocking tone... "Let's see how you'll get it from me after lunch " he added...
Taehyung scoffed...
"We'll see" taehyung challenged... They both started walking towards where they thought jimin might be..the school lounge..


After about 7 minutes of the trio hanging out in the lounge and talking about whatnot, the bell rang signaling that class has begun, the boys scurried out of the lounge, jungkook and Taehyung  parted ways with Jimin in the hallway... since the duo was having English together....

The duo shuffled their way to their seats.. as usual Taehyung sprinting for the window seat.. Jungkook sighed and shook his head as he strode towards taehyung who was grinning

"Pabo" jungkook muttered but Taehyung could hear, jungkook sat and took his backpack off his back, his eyes roaming around the classroom...

Taehyung however was busy with pulling out his materials because he knew mr wwh would arrive any minute...
"I think I forgot my textbook " Taehyung nudged at jungkook
" one day you'll forget yourself " Jungkook teased " we'll share mine " jungkook added as he pulled out his materials...

The door opened making jungkook look up, well half of the class did, they were expecting Mr Jin but it was actually a panting eun ji, slightly drenched...
Taehyung looked out the window... Oh it's raining... His gaze went back to jungkook  who was actually staring at  Eun ji...

Eun ji made slow steps slightly embarrassed by the unwanted attention.. She got to her seat which was next to jungkook and sat... Taehyung huffed, he had totally forgot about her for a moment...

"Are you okay?" jungkook asked... Eun ji stared at him and nodded...
"My alarm didn't set off" she said smiling... Jungkook  oh-ed...he dipped his hand in his pocket and brought out a handkerchief and handed it to her..
"M.. Maybe you should dry your hair with this..." jungkook muttered shyly..
"Thanks" Eun ji collected it and started patting her hair with it..
"Maybe you should  read the weather forecast before leaving the house.." jungkook teased... Eun ji laughed...
"Yeah, I just rushed out and it started raining last minute" she said amidst laugh...
"Hi, taehyung?" she tilted her head so she could see taehyung who was busy doodling aggressively... "Hi" taehyung gave a blunt reply without looking at her....
"ALRIGHT CLASS, SETTLE DOWN... YOU HAVE TEST" Mr Jin voice filled the classroom, students whined at the mention of test.. Jungkook and taehyung wasnt left out... Mr Jin can be so unpredictable...


Class went by painfully slowly, it was closing hours and it stopped raising hours ago, but the weather was quite chill... Students were trooping out of the school  visibly happy that they made it past today's torture..

Jimin, jungkook and taehyung were on their way outside the school premises chitchatting, taehyung riding his bike besides them slowly just to keep up with their pace..

"So you both are having a sleepover.." jimin asked... The duo nodded...
"Jungkook suggested it, he's so obsessed with me" taehyung said teasingly earning a smack on his head..
"Ouch" taehyung pouted and glared at jungkook, jungkook stuck his tongue out at him..
"We'll be going to the mall to shop things we'll be needing for our sleepover" jungkook said to taehyung, taehyung nodded..
"Don't forget to shop for some condoms" jimin chirped... The shock expressions he got from the duo made him laugh out loud..
"Jimin!!" jungkook glared at him...
"Hyung, tha.... That's so.." taehyung was a blushing mess..
"Don't listen to him tae, jimin can be so full of himself" jungkook said patting taehyung's head..
"Yahh, what?? I didn't say anything bad" jimin said laughing
"Shut up.." jungkook fired..

When they exited the school, jimin decided to call a cab, claiming he was too tired to wait for the bus, so taehyung and jungkook decided to wait with him until the cab arrived...

"Can I have my phone now?" jungkook asked taehyung as he went to lean on the wall next to jimin, taehyung snorted as he got off his bike and let it drop down near jungkook and jimin's feet..

"Until we get home..." taehyung said
"Give him the damn thing taehyung" jimin said sniffling his laugh, during lunch break, jungkook and jimin couldn't find taehyung.. No one knew where he was, jungkook was certain the lad was hiding from him, he knew better than to show up in the canteen or be anywhere around jungkook during break because definitely jungkook was going to get his hands on that phone, so taehyung decided he was going to avoid his friend during break...
"I swear after today I'm done with this deal" jungkook muttered... Taehyung blew raspberries at him as he dipped his hand in his backpack and fished out the phone and handed it to jungkook  which he grabbed almost immediately...

" okay I gotta go, my ride is here" jimin said... After bidding him goodbye, they decided to go to the mall which was not too far from their school...
After they got to the mall and picked whatever it is that they needed... They headed home, jungkook had to go home and inform his mom about the sleepover and packed a few things he needed..

🤎✨LOVE IN SEOUL✨🤎Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora