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" hi, Mrs jeon is kookie ready yet" taehyung chirped as soon as the door opened revealing a beautiful slender woman with a smile plastered on her face
"Hey there tae, I just succeeded in waking him up..and he's being grumpy..come on in" Mrs jeon opened the door wider and tilting her head a little bit gesturing Taehyung to head inside...taehyung nodded and got off his bicycle letting it lay on the carpet grass just right outside the door..he stepped into the home he'd known for a long time, him and jungkook has been best friends since kindergarten .
"You had breakfast yet?" Mrs jeon's voice filled the living room, taehyung nodded
"I could pack some for you and jungkook" she offered... It took taehyung a lot of willpower not to roll his eyes "we aren't babies"
"It's not my fault y'all grew so fast" Mrs Jeon chuckled... "But we are still growing right?" taehyung asked as he took off his backpack and placed on the couch.
"That leaves you both on being babies" Mrs Jeon teased, taehyung whined.. "Go and get jungkook... I'll set the tables and you're eating, I don't care if you already ate" Mrs Jeon said as a matter of factely  as she head toward the direction of the kitchen leaving no room for taehyung to protest... The latter went upstairs to jungkook's room...
"Yo" taehyung voiced as he stepped in, jungkook was just in his boxers and held a towel aggressively drying his hair..." hi" he mumbled.. Taehyung plopped himself on the bed..." you always make us go late" taehyung queried.. Jungkook just shrugged and went off to the bathroom to keep the towel
"Not like you're getting an award for coming early" jungkook said as he came in sight... Taehyung eyed him... His eyes slowly drifting to his waist "put on your pants will you!!" taehyung half yelled... Jungkook laughed "you like what you see?" he asked
"Ewww you're like the most ugly person I've ever met" taehyung answered "yeah right" jungkook replied sarcastically as he went to his wardrobe to search for his uniforms.

Taehyung was a blushing mess but he was so good in hiding it, he wasn't sure what the feeling was, he just knew he had an extra affection for his best friend, maybe he would take a bullet for him SIKE he would... For all he knew he started feeling this sort of attraction when they were both 15, jungkook had lost his dad and it kinda weared him (taehyung) off to see jungkook in such devastated state.. Probably it was the first time seeing jungkook cry and so vulnerable... Or jungkook shutting the world out... For all he knew he felt a serious pang in his chest if jungkook's mood was sour... And he knew right there that he'd always be there for him and love and protect him.

Now his feelings was one sided, he's even scared coming out of the closet, nah he can't go about saying 
hello I'm gay    
In Seoul!! His parents would kill him first before the society even come for him, and another thing was jungkook was straight asf... Girls always cooed at him in school.. And all taehyung could was be internally jealous... He's been bottling his feelings for almost two years now... Maybe he should wait a little bit...


Taehyung gasped "the least you could do was not scream in my ear!" he glared at jungkook whom was smirking...
"I've been calling you duhh, what were you thinking anyways.. Let's go.. You were the one complaining I make u go late.."  jungkook said grabbing his backpack.. Heading for the door, taehyung followed behind , jungkook abruptly stopped causing taehyung to stumble into him "what! Why did you just stop like that" taehyung frowned scolding his friend
" perfume" jungkook just said as he walked to his dresser, taehyung gave him  the what look
"Perfume" jungkook said again as he started bathing himself in the content... "What!?" jungkook half yelled seeing taehyung's judgy face.. " I need to smell nice, it's one of my lucky charms, why do you think those girls run after me" he winked
"Just get on with it and let's go" taehyung said staring at his watch, they had about 20 minutes before school starts... "Don't you want to rub off on my lucky charms" jungkook asked but before tae could answer he was already spraying the guy... " okay stop... It's too much, jungkook stop.. You're wasting the damn thing... Ouch!! JUNGKOOK!!" jungkook could be a little hard headed... He literally wanted to bathe tae with the perfume.. Spraying it in all directions that it got into poor taehyung's eyes

"Sorrryyy" jungkook said smiling sheepishly...

Taehyung could never stay mad at this guy with the bunny teeth and bunny smiles.. He was glad jungkook became his normal self again... After he lose his dad.. Things went on a rocky hill.. Even their friendship... It took some counseling and taehyung's unending effort to get him back... That's why he overlooks some silly things jungkook does...
Sniff sniff sniff "Hmmm now you smell like me, let's go" jungkook said as he walked out of the room, taehyung stupidly blushed... He made a mental note not to was his school uniform for the rest of the week..

The table was already set when the duo appeared in the living room, they had to quickly rush their food.. Mrs Jeon wasn't having it when taehyung just ate little.. The poor boy had to stuff his mouth full to please the woman...resulting to him over feeding, he groaned as he made heavy steps towards the door..
" see you later mom"
"See you later Mrs Jeon"
Taehyung mumbled
"I'm not driving that" taehyung said immediately jungkook placed his hands on the bicycle taehyung brought.. "Why, we're running late taehyung, this is not time for unnecessary things"
"I'm not whining, I'm too full to pedal, unless you do it"
"You know I haven't mastered it yet, okay let's walk"
"Whatt!? No!!" taehyung disagreed "how do you expect me to walk in this condition" taehyung added pointing at himself
"What condition, you're not pregnant... School is just 10 minutes walk pabo... Let's go.."
Taehyung wanted to whine but jungkook strolled off ignoring him....
"Could you walk a little bit faster!" jungkook asked clearly frustrated about taehyung walking like a pregnant woman due to deliver... Taehyung scoffed but jungkook could hear... Although Tae was 2 pole away " you're walking like a grandpa rn" jungkook teased... " and you're walking like a snail" taehyung fired back." who? Me? " jungkook asked pointing at himself with his index finger " I'm not the one who's overfed so I'm definitely not walking like a snail, hurry up you dimwit!! " he half yelled
"You do realize I'm older right? " taehyung said trying to walk fast as he could ... Jungkook gave a heartfelt laugh, the one that gives taehyung butterflies
"Ha!! In your dreams, I'm older" jungkook said.. Taehyung sighed "fine it's just with two months don't sweat it"
Jungkook stuck his tongue out at the latter
"I'll sweat it because I'm turning the legal age before you"
Taehyung chuckled at jungkook's childishness
"Which means I'm tasting alcohol before you too.." jungkook said blowing raspberries at taehyung...
"I can't believe you're turning 18 when you still act like a 6 year old" taehyung teased... He was walking side by side with jungkook... Jungkook draped his arms around his shoulder... "Get off me, your arms weigh tons!" taehyung said trying to pry jungkook arms off his shoulder but jungkook wasn't having it.. Instead he used his other free hand to ruffle his (taehyung) hair "yahhh are you crazy... You're ruining my bangs..!! Jungkook-ah!!" their laughs filled the street as the walked to school.

Thanks for reading 💜 I hope you like it
I'm an amateur so there might be a lot of mistakes...

love in seoul // TAEKOOK  🐯 🐰Where stories live. Discover now