"Well, I'm sorry for your hair. You braid it so tight I don't know how you're not bald at this point."

Linh looked at Dex, "I think her braids are cute."

"Stop insulting fashion!" Biana exclaimed to Dex.

"Your heals are closer to torture devices than fashion." Fitz said joining the conversation. 

"Which just means that us ladies being able to wear heals, are way more stronger than you." Maruca said, tossing her hair. 

"I want to object but I guess that's true. " Fitz admitted, "I tried walking in Biana's heals once, and I twisted my ankle so bad that I couldn't walk properly for days."

"Whoa, back the t-rex up, why were you wearing Biana's heals? " Des asked looking at Fitx suspiciously.

"Dude, you got some explanation to do," Tam said finally appearing from the shadow.

"I dared him to do it, duh." Biana said rolling her eyes. 

"Fitz wore heals?" Said a voice behind Biana. 

Biana turned around and nearly screamed in suprise. Standing right behind her was Sophie Foster. 

Sophie looked like she hadn't slept in days.  She looked extremely tired and worried, her dark circles and the crease between her eyebrows explained what she had been though.

Biana's heart was ready to rip into thousands of pieces-she had made Sophie like this. Sophie probably had a melt down, how could Biana just abandon her like that? Sophie was her friend! 

How was she going to fix this broken friendship? 

More importantly, could she fix this friendship?

Sophie's heart felt like it might escape from her chest. She was extremely  nervous. She had just decided that three days of missing lunch was enough, which was a very bad decision. Nevertheless, she was currently heading for her "usual" lunch table. 

When she was close enough she could hear them laughing and talking loudly. 

Of course, they're happier without me.

"Whoa, back the t-rex up, why were you wearing Biana's shoes?" 

"Dude, you got some explaining to do."

"I dared him to do it, duh."

Now is a good time to join the conversation Sophie. 

"Fitz wore heals?" She asked finally gathering her courage. 

Everyone turned to look at her. Sophie immediately regretted speaking. Their gaze seemed to burn through Sophie's skin. 

Sophie sucked in a breathe, and realized that she still wasn't wanted here, " Okay, I'll just... um, uh leave. " 

She turned away but Tam grabbed her arm and silently pulled her down to the sit next to him. Sophie quietly thanked him.

Silence filled the table. 

"Sophie I'm SO sorry!" 

"Me too Sophie, I don't know why I was such a jerk!"

"I can't imagine how hard it must have been for you!"

Everyone started apologizing at the same time, giving Sophie a headache. 

"It's okay guys, you already apologized anyway..." Sophie said flashing a fake smile. She had never been good with masking her emotions since forever.  However, she learned how to lie throughout her years of being a moonlark. Now she was the best liar she knew. 

Just as she expected, everyone sighed in relief. 

"You're really okay?" Dex asked. 

"Yeah, I understand how confusing it must have been for you. " Sophie lied, again. 

Linh was tearing up, "No one deserves to be completely abandoned by her friends, Sophie. And I don't think I deserve your forgiveness."

"Linh is right, you deserve friends better than us. " Biana said, and Sophie noticed that she was holding Dex's hand. 

"Don't say that! You guys are my only best friends!" Sophie said, suprised by her own acting skills. "Without you guys, I wouldn't have made it this far."

Just as she intended to, everyone shut their mouth, having nothing to say. 

"I know you're not okay." 

Sophie jumped, she searched around to see who spoken to her. Then she saw someone's shadow reaching out to where she was, Tam had shadow-whispered to her. 

I'm fine, She transmitted. 

"No you're not, and trust me when I say that I know how it's like to feel as if the whole world is against you. "

Sophie felt her eyes tear up, you can't cry now, Sophie she reminded herself. 

I've been though worse before, just forget it. 

"If you keep ignoring your emotions they are just going to get worse. "

That's weird coming from you.

Before Tam could say anything, Sophie felt someone wrap their arms around her waist. She looked to her right at saw that Biana was hugging her. 


The hug triggered something inside Sophie. 

As if someone had turned on a switch, her emotions quickly went out of control. 

After all the tears she shed on her bathroom for three days, after all the hours she reminded herself to lock away her emotions because they hurt so badly, she cried. 

She cried harder than she ever had. She cried so hard that her chest, her eyes, and her throat all hurt. But she couldn't feel the pain with her emotions all over the place.  

When Tam and Fitz, the last to join the hug wrapped their arms around Sophie, she had completely lost control over her own emotions.

The whole cafeteria was staring at her by now, and Sophie couldn't care less. The hug felt too good break away. 

"I told you, you aren't okay."

Sophie looked at Tam, her eyes full of tears, then transmitted, You're right, I'm not.

Sooooo, how was the chapter?

Did you cry?

This is the longest chapter I ever wrote (1452 words)! And I'm super excited about it.

I hope you enjoyed it!


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