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"I need to go back now, Iya.  Alpha Mateo has assigned me a task for later.  Again, Luca and I are so sorry.  Happy birthday still," Sofia apologetically explained.  

"It's fine, Sofia.  I understand.  I will stay here just for a few more minutes and then will march home soon as well.  Mama and Papa are probably busy too with this surprise visit by the alpha king."  

Sofia gave Iya a kiss in the cheek and went off.  Iya sat by the blanket and started to eat the food she brought.  She tried to read her book, enjoy the scenery and tranquility however, her thoughts kept wandering to the arrival of the alpha king.

All Iya knew about the alpha king is that he is a special wolf.  He can live for hundreds of years and he is endowed with incredible strength and wisdom.  Iya also learned from Sofia that the alpha king is super strict, perfectionist, and unforgiving.  He is still mate-less and most of all no one should ever comment on his blindness because he takes immense offense.  All her parents told her about high ranking wolves is to better stay hidden from them as much as possible to avoid unnecessary trouble because they could easily get unreasonable and impatient.  

"I wonder why the alpha king is coming here to our pack?"  Iya asked herself aloud.  Iya started to yawn and soon she gave in to the temptation, laid down, and fell into a wonderful slumber.

Iya felt strain in her neck and that made her start to wake up.  She kind of panicked to have seen that it was already dark.  When she looked at her watch and saw the time, she quickly packed up and literally ran down the mountain.

"Great job, Iya!"  She sarcastically castigated herself.  When she reached their house it was quiet.  Iya sighed in relief, that her parents are not home and are surely at the pack house.  The alpha king must have arrived.  She organized her picnic basket, went for a shower and changed into a green blouse and jeans.  

When she went down the kitchen, she saw her mother's note on the refrigerator door. 


We are at the pack house.  The meeting with the alpha king is about to start.  There is food in the oven.  Do not go near the pack house.  Stay home, our dear birthday girl.  

Love, Mama

An earth shaking growl reverberated throughout the pack lands, Iya to her shock, dropped the letter she was holding.  Her heartbeat doubled and started shaking.  She knew something was wrong and feared for her parents.  That growl heard could only come from a furious alpha king!

Iya sprinted to the front door, grabbed her green jacket and ran towards the pack house.  Another growl was released!  When Iya was near the pack house, she saw that the gathering was done at the open space in front of the pack house.  She tried to hide behind a big tree close enough but had a hard time seeing what was happening since her packmates back was towards her.

"This is why this pack has not improve for so long!  You are complacent and your leaders are too old!  How do you expect to defend yourselves when rogues attack?"  The alpha king's voice boomed.  "Your beta and gamma are too old!  Obsolete!  Let the next generation lead! Alpha Mateo, are you this incompetent!"  He continued.  "It angers me that I have to be bothered and travel all this way just to point out to weak packs like yours the very problem when it is just in plain sight.  If this pack will not improve and flourish in 12 months time, I will disband it and scatter the members to other packs and most of your will start as omegas.  DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?"  The alpha king shouted as he made the nearest table fly as if it was pebble.

Iya's packmates and leaders all knelt and exposed their neck as a sign of respect and surrender to the authority, but mostly out of fear.  Iya got a good view of the alpha king now.  He is tall, well-build, with dark hair, and even from afar, she is sure he is a stunner.  

All of a sudden the alpha king got agitated.  He kept shaking his head and moved left and right as if sniffing and searching for something.  He pounded twice on his own chest and let out another mighty growl.

"There is a human here!"  He shouted in annoyance.

Iya jerked and hid with her back against the big tree, her hand was to her chest that was now pounding so hard.  Beads of sweat started to trickle down her face.  He growled again!

"Alpha Mateo, I want all unmated female members of this pack to line up here NOW!"  He commanded.  Alpha Mateo gave orders to gather the female members. The pack members became more anxious with the turn of events. They knew it was Iya that the king could smell. They all feared for the human and the pack itself that may be punished for harboring a human to a wolf pack.

"King Pietro, is something wrong?" The royal beta asked. 

"Nothing!"  He quipped. 

"I have never seen you this tensed with anger and yet with excitement, my king.  Is your mate in this pack,"  he asked.

"Do not further anger me, Rene, with your questions!  How can my mate come from such an insignificant pack?  The next luna queen should be equally strong and qualified as I!  I will not tolerate mediocracy!  If my true mate is nothing close to Diana, I will reject her!"  

"I am sorry, my king."  The beta, Rene, backed off.  But he was sure something is up for his king is acting oddly tonight.

One by one the unmated female wolves of the pack were arriving.  It was Luca who first saw Iya by her hiding place. 

"Foolish, foolish, Iya!  You know you shouldn't be here!  Look at what you have done!"  He reprimanded.

"I could not help it.  I feared something bad has happened to my parents when I heard that growl.  Why are you like this to me, Luca, today of all days?"  Iya asked with a hurt tone.

"I'm sorry, Iya! Come here!"  He embraced Iya tightly.  "I am just looking out for you.  I fear for you.  The alpha king is in one of his moods.  How I wish he never came!  It is too late to hide you now, he could smell you."  Luca sadly explained.



"Dear heavens, why are you here?  You should be at home, away from all this!"  

"I know, I know, but I got worried for you and Mama."  Iya bowed her head.  She is so close to tears.  "What's gonna happen, Papa?"

"Look at me.  It will be okay.  You being a human is the issue here.  We will convince the alpha king that you are not going to reveal our secret and that you have been a good standing member of this pack since you were a child. Worse comes to worst, we will leave the pack and live in the human territory.  I will not let him hurt you, my precious, over my dead body!"  Ettore assured.

"We have to go,"  Luca pulled Ettore and Iya by their elbow.  "Everyone is almost back and we do not want to test the patience of the king any further."

Iya, Luca, and Ettore slowly fused with the crowd.  Iya was embraced by her mother when she saw her.  Soon, Iya was lead to the line of the female wolves and instantly the alpha king's head darted to her direction.  Iya was confused because it was as if the king could see her, but he is blind!  It must be his sensitive sense of smell.  She reasoned in her mind.

The alpha king approached her.  Iya wished she could vanish.  She wanted to cry out of fear but this will just give him satisfaction.  Iya took a deep breath and summoned all her courage.  

The alpha king is just a foot away from Iya.  


No!  Pietro battles with his mind.  Her enticing scent is making his wolf go overdrive.  His wolf wants his mate, badly. Pietro would not accept this.  He cannot have a weakness.

"Weak, worthless!  Human!"  Pietro spit. 

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