7 | Envious Heart

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"Weren't you the one teasing me earlier? I was just playing your game, Tesero," he says, causing me to roll my eyes and walk away.

Even though I won't admit it, the kiss gave me butterflies. His lips were so soft, gently brushing against mine with a tender warmth that sent shivers down my spine. The way he held me close, his arms wrapping around me protectively, made me feel cherished and desired. Even now, I can still feel the lingering sensation of his touch, a bittersweet reminder of the intimacy we shared.

I leave him and walk closer to the ballroom to find Abigail flirting with Luca's half-brother, Nathaniel.

When her eyes land on me, a look of confusion crosses her face, and she strides purposefully toward me.

"Hey. What are you doing here?" She asks, scanning the room.

"A friend invited me," I respond.

"The same one from yesterday. Your fiancé?" Abigail whispers, raising her eyebrow.

"Yes. Isn't that his brother you were just talking to?"

"I just met him. Wait, that's his brother?" She asks curiously, a grin on her face.

"Yes, he is."

"Jackpot!" She exclaims, and I glance at her, puzzled by her reaction.

Scanning the room, I notice Dominic engaged in conversation with a beautiful woman. Observing closely, I see her persistent attempts to get closer, her frequent touches on his shoulder, and her laughter ringing too loudly.

Nothing's that funny.

I then gasp when I hear a voice behind me. "It hurts, doesn't it?" I turn around to see Dominic's stepmother, Lilith.

"What?" I ask, my confusion evident in the furrow of my brows.

"I tried to warn you earlier. Tell me, are you two really together, or is he just playing you?" Lilith inquires, her scrutinizing gaze assessing me from head to toe.

"We're together," I respond, attempting to sound confident, but the uncertainty lingers in my voice, betraying my true feelings.


As I'm about to follow behind Gianna, the voice of a woman stops me. "Dom!" The woman calls out.

I turn around to see a friend of mine, Emma. "Hey, Emma!" I greet her, and she immediately hugs me. I reciprocate, though I discreetly pull away since I'm not a fan of physical contact.

Emma and I share a history rooted in our mothers' friendship. Her mother was a pillar of support for me after mine passed away.

"Dom, you scared the hell out of me. They said you died," she exclaims.

"Who said that?" I ask, genuinely curious.

"Your idiotic brother," she responds, rolling her eyes.

I chuckle. "Well, obviously that's not true."

"Why did he say that?"

"I got shot the other day. My beautiful angel right there saved me," I say, pointing to my lovely fiancée.

I laugh to myself, thinking about how Gianna believes I'll let her go after Christmas.

"She's beautiful," Emma remarks.

Christmas Shadows: A Mafia Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now