2 | Engaged in Illusions

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"I'm sorry if it's too tight. I'm not really good at this yet," I say softly to the stranger as he lays down on my couch, allowing me to help bandage him. Fumbling through the process, I somehow managed to remove the bullets and carefully stitch the wounds.

"It's not," he reassures me. In the light, his features come into focus, revealing his striking appearance.

Dominic has light brown eyes that shimmer with an air of mystery. Despite noticing his beauty, I remind myself that he's just an injured man I'm assisting.

"Is there anyone you want me to call?" I inquire, my concern evident.

"No. My family thinks I'm dead," he admits, a hint of withheld information behind his eyes. I resist asking any further questions, considering our unfamiliarity.

"You can stay here tonight since you're injured," I offer warmly, a soft smile accompanying my words.

"Thank you, um?" he trails off, asking for my name.


"Thank you, Gianna. I'm Dominic," he introduces himself.

"Nice to meet you, Dominic." I smile.

"Are you hungry? I was about to eat alone, but since you're here, do you want to join me?" I ask, realizing he might not have had a meal in a while.

"Sure, thank you." He answers.

We finish our meal together, and after tidying up, I wish him a good night. "Good night, Gianna," he says before settling in on my couch for the night.


The next day, I prepare for school, still contemplating last night's unexpected encounter. As I leave my room and check for the stranger, I notice he's vanished.

Oh my god! what if I imagined it all?

I mean, I was tired last night.

I then continue to get ready and leave once I'm done.

Pushing these thoughts aside, I grab my school bag and make my way to school.

As I arrive at the bustling corridors of the nursing school, I feel a surge of excitement mingled with a touch of nervous anticipation. Students buzz around, animatedly discussing cases and patient care.

Taking my usual spot in the classroom, I join in the conversations. "I think understanding the patient's perspective is crucial," I offer, engaging my classmates in discussing the importance of empathy in healthcare.

One of them, Sarah, nods vigorously. "Absolutely! It's not just about treating symptoms; it's about connecting with people."

Our discussions meander through various scenarios. Katie, another classmate, recounts an emotional encounter during her clinical rotation. "There was this patient who just needed someone to talk to. I sat with her, and it made such a difference."

Nods and murmurs of agreement ripple through the group as we share similar experiences and insights.

During a break, amidst the flurry of notes and textbooks, the conversation shifts. "How do you guys manage studying and a personal life?" I ask, realizing we all face this challenge.

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