Stories or Legends

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There are stories, legends even...

Stories about the supernatural, about things that go bump in the night.

Mystical creatures you can only see in movies or imagine in your head from reading books.

Legends about things that have been trapped in an alternate world. Trapped for all eternity without a chance of escaping.

Night walkers, blood sucking people, wolf people, and many others. Witches that roamed day and night, using their magic on humans.

Then there are stories and legends that say the opposite. All the same with the night walkers, wolf people, and the witches.

The stories have changed about them being trapped in that alternate world without them doing the evil things.

They all lived in harmony and peace, no fighting, no wars, nothing. They lived and thrived together.

Stories about the ones that didn't get captured went into hiding, not coming out in fear of getting caught and thrown into that cruel trapped world.

Stories I didn't think were real until I got trapped inside.....


Warning -

The first few chapters might not be what you readers expect, but it will get better and better as you read, I promise..


In The Void- A Path In The Woods- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now