41. ꜰᴀᴍɪʟʏ ʙᴏɴᴅꜱ

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A/N: Second arc finished! Although I enjoyed fleshing out the princess' family, this coming third will be a lot more fun! Akito will now become a main character, the Uchiha are going to be more prominent, relationship tension with Tobirama for a l...

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A/N: Second arc finished! Although I enjoyed fleshing out the princess' family, this coming third will be a lot more fun! Akito will now become a main character, the Uchiha are going to be more prominent, relationship tension with Tobirama for a little bit, high stake political tennis match. Just seeing the outline is making me so excited to write ;w;

For now, here is the last chapter of the second arc. <3


The clock strikes ten, the bright sun blaring into your room one last time before the curtains are closed. It's your last day, and the castle bustles with movement upon the hour of your departure. Luggage is thrown around, carriages are readied, and servants line the palace entrance as a final farewell.

Seated by your vanity, you wait for Tobirama to escort you, but the wait is long and heart-wrenching. Last night, the two of you went to bed without diving into what was said in the catacombs. You were not even granted a kiss goodnight which had become a ritual that soothed you enough to sleep peacefully. However, the secret you've held for so long looms over any affection.

It would be easier to release the information freely and explain yourself; tell Tobirama that in this part of the timeline you have yet to betray him. Easy doesn't mean safety though. The contents of the truth will desecrate the kinship you've established with the Senju, mainly Tobirama, and you aren't sure you can handle the look on his face when he realizes the monster that you are.

Your heart squeezes again at the remembrance of his expression when you mentioned the Uchiha. Hurt--something you never wanted to cause when you recognized the error of your ways. He doesn't deserve it, but here he is, once again receiving the blows of your carelessness.

Hisa knocks on your door and allows Tobirama inside. As expected, his tension forbids him any conversation outside of necessity. "The luggage has been fastened. Shall we head out?"

"Yes," you respond without so much of a breath in between. Your feet shoot you straight out of the chair while nerves fidget your body in a restless manner. Your mouth moves to say more, but Tobirama's expectant stare silences your poor attempt at normalcy.

He wants answers, but like always, you aren't ready to give him that. Guilt hampers the last of your excitement to see him, and he understands that you won't provide him any crumbs to your past.

His body turns, his back facing you as he wordlessly awaits you to follow him. The light flickers off upon your exit, but before you can even make it past the hallway of your room, Tobirama trekking behind while Hisa has already left to prepare your carriage, you notice your mother standing there, dressed in black with the rim of her eyes stained red.

You hold your breath at her appearance, wondering if something had happened. Her gaze feels colder than your father's when he looked down at Almira, the same sentiment of abandonment glazed over her expression. "Tobirama, leave. I need to speak to my daughter."

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