37. ꜱᴛʀᴀᴛᴇɢɪᴢᴇ

669 49 18

A/N: Back from it all and been trying to write, but I now have embraced laziness

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A/N: Back from it all and been trying to write, but I now have embraced laziness. I think I need to start reading books to get more inspiration because I got to a point where I only see a repetitiveness to my sentence. And it's making me slower and slower in writing.


His long stare, one that makes time feel unmoving, continues on in awe. The drumming of your heart echoes inside your ears while your brother Gregory continues to analyze the broken bed.

"I thought you were sick in bed yesterday."

You face away towards the balcony, wishing in that moment to morph into a bird and fly away from this awkward situation. A night full of passion should be followed by a loving morning full of fluff and aftercare. Tobirama thought the same and had gone to fetch you a tray for breakfast so that you may continue to rest in bed... but it seems his explanation during the family breakfast raised the attention of all.

You should be thankful that your father wasn't at breakfast to listen. You should be thankful that Elric and Paul weren't there either... Yet Gregory, Almira, and your mother arrived at your bedroom in a haste. They now inspect the broken headboard and the large dent within the wall, their eyes skipping around at the broken aftermath and to the two of you.

"Yes, I was sick," you mumble your lie, "and this was a bad fall."

Almira cannot even utter a retort. She stands there in a state of poorly concealed reverence. "Fall? Yet I see no sign of wear and tear on you."

"It hides under the clothes."

Everyone's eyes immediately flit over to Tobirama, traveling low to the center of his pants. Tobirama shifts his stature to the side due to the discomfort of their salacious attention. Quickly, gazes return to respectable areas.

Gregory clears his throat, "I will have the castle director fix this as soon as possible then." He doesn't look at you, only your husband. "I expect to see you again in my office after lunch?"

Tobirama firmly nods his head. It's enough for your brother to begin his leave, not bothering with formalities with the other two. He knows that there is more to come from the conversation and wishes no part of it.

Your mother walks forward to continue inspecting the aftermath. "Must you display such wild behavior while under our hospitality?"

Tobirama bows his head at her. "I deeply apologize for any part I played in this destruction. Should you wish for it, I will fix it with my own hands."

"That isn't necessary," you intervene.

"Yes, the Empress is only issuing a warning," Almira adds. "It is wise not to continue proving the stereotype of your people. They already see you as beasts."

A snort slips from your throat and you cover your mouth. Both your mother and Almira catch the humor in your thoughts and huff out empty words about your behavior. Yet you find their mannerisms akin to a jealous woman who covets the same treatment. They just can't let go of their pride to say anything.

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