23. ᴀ ᴛʀᴜᴛʜ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴀꜱᴛ

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A/N: I think I'll just keep posting until I can't anymore

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A/N: I think I'll just keep posting until I can't anymore. My writing schedule has shrunk considerably cause of the holidays making work busy. I barely can write new chapters e_e;


[start season 2]

A soft warmth touches your forehead, rubbing the skin with concern. Despite the rough texture of their hand, you lean into the comfort it provides. You feel safe within it, enough so to stir from your slumber.

As your eyelashes flutter in an attempt to open, the touch disappears. A cold follows and a desire to chase the warmth overcomes you. You open your eyes and reach out for that source of warmth. Hands collide, and you notice Tobirama intently staring at you with your hand joined with his.

"T-T-Tobirama?" You scan the area and recognize the layout of your room. Shock replaces all other feelings as you pat yourself down while sitting up. You notice the tightened bandage around your neck and the soreness in your arms for stabbing a man to death.

You care little of your sin and begin to panic, "There was a beast! And Utake?! Oh my, oh my... And you guys! You're alive!"

Tobirama responds with an even tone, "Princess, please calm down. Everything is alright."

But your flurry of emotions do not listen, and you reach out to grab his face, inspecting him closely. "Are you and Hashirama okay? Mito? What about your clans? Are the people of Konoha safe? Is everyone okay?!"

Despite the bombardment of queries, Tobirama answers each of them quickly in hopes of calming your panicked state. "Everyone is safe and alive. The fighting stayed within the camp, and the only deaths were from the other side."

Safe and alive. The opposite of the other timeline where most had died and the rest suffered from the loss.

Tears cascade down your cheeks as the relief overwhelms you. Tobirama remains quiet at the sight of your undoing. His hand that holds yours squeezes as he allows you to expel the weight of your burdens. 

You appreciate the silence as there are no words to alleviate the worry you felt in knowing the shinobi's demise. When your tears dry, you feel Tobirama's hand slip away from yours. Emptiness finds you once more, and you send him a questioning stare. He had his moment of reprieve as well, but now he wants answers.

"Why did you not follow my instructions?" Tobirama lowers his gaze to his lap. He restrains the angers he wants to unleash on you as he tries to approach it as sensitively as he can. However, frustrations leak onto his tone, and you freeze in fear.

He has all the reason in the world to be upset. You swore that you wouldn't deviate from the plan but did so anyway. In the end, Utake followed you, a tailed beast appeared, and you almost died twice which would have landed Konoha in grave trouble with the Empire.

ᴀ sᴛᴇᴘ ɪɴ ᴛɪᴍᴇ | ᴛᴏʙɪʀᴀᴍᴀ sᴇɴᴊᴜ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt