-Chapter 01-

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"Coran, you still have that old game?"

"Yes, of course, I would never throw away something that pop pop Wimbletons gave me. And, it might be useful sometime, who knows?" he responded to Allura's question cheerfully.

The paladins were bored, sitting in their lounge so Pidge decided to ask Allura and Coran about Altean party games.

(this is what the lounge looks like btw)

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(this is what the lounge looks like btw)

"Do you really think that a game of Rubeus Race would be useful in space?" Allura asked with a sceptic look on her face, pointing at their surroundings. (Rubeus Race is not an actual Altean game, I made it up <⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)⁠>) Coran just laughed and began ranting about pop Wimbleton and all of his great adventures and inventions.

"Pidge, do you have some popular games on Earth?" Allura asked curiously.

"Uhh, don't ask me, Hunk knows way more than me. I only played video games." Pidge suggested with a guilty smile on her face. Hunk looked up and explained:

"Well, we do have some games that I always played with my family, as an example we had Never have I ever, uhhh... Beer pong, Truth or Dare and-"

"Wait, what's truth or dare, it sounds interesting." Allura interrupted Hunk's rant. He smiled and explained

"Well, it's exactly what it's named after. We all would sit in a circle, and as an example, Pidge begins by asking the person next to her, in this case Lance, if he chooses truth or dare. If he says dare, Pidge would give him a task he has to do and he  can't refuse. But if he chooses truth, he has to answer a question Pidge asks him without lying, no matter what it's about. If Lance doesn't do his task or refuses to answer, he gets punished, but not every one plays the game with that rule, but I think it's more fun that way. So, if you wanted to get to know a group of people a bit more, that's the perfect game for you."

"Then, why don't we try it out?" Coran exclaims with an evil grin on his face. The others looked at him, worried what tasks he already has in mind, but Lance just shrugged and said

"Sure, but let's play with the rule that if you don't do your task or answer the question, you have to clean Kaltenecker's poop for three days."

Pidge and Coran made disgusted faces, but they all agreed in the end.
Just as Coran wanted to ask Hunk the first question, Shiro interrupted and pointed out that Keith wasn't with them.

"I should go and get him, maybe he wants to play too. Does anyone know where he is right now? I haven't seen him since this morning."

Everyone except for Lance shrugged and he muttered absentmindedly "He's probably still at the training deck, he's been going there ever since our last mission where he got beat by the Galra we were fighting, so check that place out."

(that is the training deck)

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(that is the training deck)

Shiro nodded and made his way to the training deck. As he glanced through the half open doors, he could see Keith training with his sword that belonged to the Blades of Marmora.
He was challenging himself with an extra hard course and multiple waves of attackers. Right now, he was fighting two projections twice his size that attacked him mercilessly with long spears. He stepped forward and tried to slice the chest of one of the projections, but it backed away fastly, making Keith's blade only graze it. Meanwhile, the other one had snuck up behind him and swiftly stabbed him through his back with it's long hologram spear. The simulation went dark, the projections disappeared, making way for the big "you lost" letters appearing in front of Keith. His shoulder slumped and with a groan, he leaned back against the wall, trying to catch his breath. Shiro pushed the doors open and entered the big hall that Keith spends most of his time in, commenting

"That didn't go well." Keith just mumbled some curse words and sighed "I can see that myself."

Shiro chuckled, raising his hands in a defensive way and observed "I wasn't making fun of you. You aren't on the combat level of this course yet, and it is also designed for two people fighting together, not one alone. (I don't know if that's possible, I added it anyways)
"It is probably not that helpfu-"

"In real life, you don't get to decide that, you just have to fight! And the previous mission showed me pretty damn well, that I'm not being a very good help and just put more danger on the others!" Keith snapped wearing an angry and disappointed look on his face.

Taken aback by Keith's harsh self critic, Shiro fell silent, but then he put a hand on Keith's shoulder in a reassuring manner. "Hey, I'm not saying that you can't challenge yourself, but take a break sometime too, okay? It's very important that you don't overdo it, just because of one simple mistake. Remember, patience yields focus, that also applies to your training. Catch a break sometime, too. That said, Allura, Coran and the others want to play Truth or Dare, you want to join?"

Keith was about to refuse to train some more, but thought over what Shiro said about taking a break, so he responded with a shrug

"Sure, why not"


I can't even count the amount of times Coran's name got autocorrected to corona ┐⁠(⁠ ̄⁠ヘ⁠ ̄⁠)⁠┌
This is my first ever story on Wattpad and english isn't my native language, so I'm really sorry for any  mistakes.
I'll update at least once a week, but maybe I'll also write more chapter per week, let's see ⁽⁠⁽⁠ଘ⁠(⁠ ⁠ˊ⁠ᵕ⁠ˋ⁠ ⁠)⁠ଓ⁠⁾⁠⁾
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-Mr Tangerin

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