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The next morning, Hyunsoo and I walked out to the main bathrooms down the hall. He took a stool and sat it down in front of the mirrors and sat down, passing me the scissors. I sighed, rethinking this idea. "Are you sure you trust me to cut your hair?" I asked him for the millionth time. He laughed.

"Yes, I really do, I know you'll make me look cool."

I pulled a face as I ran my fingers through his long hair. "I really like you with long hair."

"And I miss me with short hair. It doesn't look healthy."

"I can trim it-."

"I want the long hair gone please."

I sighed as I took a bit of his hair between my fingers and snipped it, letting it fall to the floor. I brushed it out and continued to make my way around. "Goodbye long hair." I said softly, making Hyunsoo chuckle.

All you could hear echoing around the bathroom was the snipping of the scissors and my feet gently stepping on the tilted floor as I walked around him.

He stared at himself in the mirror and I took a quick glance at him as I brushed out his hair just to see a tear fall down his cheek. It really pains me to see him like this. I wrapped my arms around him and rested my chin on his shoulder. "Are you ok?" I whispered.

He gave me a small smile and nodded. "I haven't seen my hair this short in a long time." He sniffed and wiped his tear away and I placed a soft kiss where the tear was. 

"You'll look great." I told and continued to cut and brush his hair. "Your hair is so soft."

"Is it?" He laughed. 

I nodded. "How long has it been since you washed your hair?"

He shrugged. "I think five days ago, when the showers were working."

I gave out a soft chuckle and cut the last bit of his hair. "All done." I said.

I stared at him through the mirror and he looked gorgeous. His hair wasn't too short, but short enough to see the sides of his face and his fringe was still covering his forehead. He started touching his hair gently and then looked at me through the mirror. "Do you like it?" I asked him and he smiled.

"I love it." He said and placed a kiss on my head.

A little while after, Hyunsoo went to go help Sang-Wook hang up the SOS sign at the top of the building.

I was walking around the first floor, feeling better from my brothers death, but still don't want to pass that place where he died. I still feel horrible about not saving him. I've cried about him, I don't think I can cry anymore.

Trotting around peacefully until I hear the alarm go off. Letting us know there's a monster nearby. I raced to the room Hyunsoo and I stayed in and grabbed my fan and back out to where everyone was waiting with their weapons out and ready.


I turned to see who was talking to me but saw no one.

Leave before it's too late.

I ignored the thoughts in my head and opened the fan to get it ready.

Don't do this Minji, leave, go somewhere safe.

Elevator doors opened and I couldn't really see much since the lights were continuously flashing. But I saw a silhouette of a person standing there with a whipper snipper in both of his hands. My breath quickened as I held my fan up high ready to defend myself.

The whipper snipper roared to life and the guy came out of the elevator, swinging it everywhere.

His face looked like at was burned up and his eyes were just black, or they were gone. He stopped walking towards us and screamed. Bugs came flying out of his mouth and I dropped my fan and covered my ears.

He went for Mrs Ahn who tried running but then tripped over and fell on the couch. I took action, picked up my fan and sliced it through his back. He screamed out and swung at me with the whipper snipper and I dodged it before it could slice my head of, but left a cut on my cheekbone, making my fall to the ground. He tried slamming the thing down on me and I rolled around and tried crawling away. I can't beat him. I'm going to die.

I turned to face him, ready for the impact closing my eyes, but it never came. I slowly opened my eyes to see Jae-Heon blocking the snipper with his sword. "Go." He told me. I picked myself up and ran, standing by if I need to step in and help him.

With a broken arm, he managed just fine. He dodged the swings of the snipper and hit his sword against it when he couldn't. Until everything happened in a blur.

I watched as the blood splattered on the floor and Jae-Heon fell to his knees. He slowly looked up and I followed his gaze behind the monster and saw that his arm was on the other side. I screamed and fell against the wall. I panted hard. Tears ran down my cheeks. I covered my eyes as I sobbed so hard, I was struggling to catch my breath.

The others came running in and Eun-yu was running towards me, trying to calm me down to not attract any attention to the monster. She wrapped her arms around me in a comforting manner and stroked my hair. I closed my eyes so tightly they started to hurt. But I also didn't want to watch what was happening. Jae-Heon isn't going to win this battle.

I heard the snipper come closer, and that's when I opened my eyes again. Jae-Heon had stabbed the monster in the chest with his broken arm, trying to pull him away.

I felt the tears come back as I watched Jae-Heon cry. He knew his time was up. He turnde himself around so he was in front of the monster and pushed him against the elevator door and pushed the button to go up and the doors opened immediately. He pushed him inside and the lights flickered once again.

The doors continued to open and close and the more they opened, the more blood there was on the walls.

Jae-Heon was on the ground with monster on top of him but his sword was stabbed in the fuel box on his back. I knew what he was up to. "Do it!" He yelled. "Throw it now!"

Eun-Hyuk hesitated with the fire bottle and stared at Jae-Heon. 

I sobbed harder as he took a step forward and threw the bottle in time to the open and closing doors, lighting everything on fire.

I cried. And I couldn't stop. I don't want to lose anyone else.

Thank you guys for 1k votes!!!

Also, I missed the song warriors in season two, it's the Sweet Home theme song 

In Your Arms // Sweet Home// Cha HyunsooWhere stories live. Discover now