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We had gone down to the underground car park and we all had our weapons up, ready to fight.

Something that sounded like a big gust of wind ran past us and I got that odd deja vu feeling. I heard it while I was upstairs with Hyunsoo. This isn't good.

Eun-Hyuk put up his crossbow as he started to estimate where the monster would stop and then shot. 

And got him right above the eye.

But that of course didn't stop him. These things never die.

Eu-Hyuk told us to get under the car before the monster could see us and instructed us to still super quiet. 

I watched as the monster walked towards Eun-Hyuk and Jae-Heon and he got super close to them. About to catch them.

Quick thinking, I picked up a brick and threw it away from me, hitting a car and making the alarm go off and the monster race towards it, bashing it up in the process.

I saw the two boys get out from under the car and I did the same. But the monster was also waiting for us to appear.

Another car alarm went off and the monster followed it in a flash. It went on for so long until there was one van left that we got in.

I watched Jisu and Sang-Wook carry Hyunsoo back to the door but we obviously knew they weren't going to make it.

Eun-Hyuk stepped on the pedal to catch up to them, hitting the monster on the way and I quickly opened the door so they can jump in. Hyunsoo first as I pulled him into my arms as he slowly started to wake up.

Jisu and Sang-Wook got in after they knew Hyunsoo was in and got in themselves and slammed the door shut.

"Do you even have your license?" Jisu shrieked.

"Shouldn't be too hard right?" Eun-Hyuk replied back, speeding through the car park. I bumped into a buck of boxes and crates while Hyunsoo was bumping into my legs. 

Every single monster came out of its hiding, making me jump in fright as one stepped out in front of the van.

The roof started bending in and the window smashed as another grabbed onto Jisu's hair. Jae-Heon quickly grabbed his sword and tried stabbing the monster to get it off of her. "Jisu, I'm sorry." He said before slicing off her hair.

More windows began to smash as we tried to fight them off until Eun-Hyuk crashed into a pile of sand, making me hit my head on the front seat. I groaned from the pain and rubbed my head. "Minji, are you alright?" Hyunsoo asked, wrapping his arm around me. I nodded as Eun-Hyuk opened the door, telling us we had to get out and walk on foot to get out of here.

As soon as Hyunsoo helped me out, a monster came out of nowhere and Sung-Wook stabbed him before it could do anything. Then more and more came at least two or three at a time. We had to run.

Rapid footsteps came from behind us, but before it could get to us, he was burnt up into flames. Mr An came from beside us as he held out his fire gun as the monster stepped back as the other started to come out.

The garage started to fill with smoke to the point I couldn't take it anymore and I started coughing terribly. 

"We need to go!" Hyunsoo held as he tried to hold me up so I didn't squish my lungs. Eun-Hyuk led the way to the door.

I could hear a lot of banging very faintly coming from upstairs, but that could also be the monsters on the roof.

We finally made it out and I was right. Eun-Yu and another girl  was trying to get a monster that looked somewhat like a spider off someone. I followed Hyunsoo and Sung-Wook towards them to see that my brother was getting stabbed in the chest by a monster. He was struggling to fight it off with every last strength he had, but he was getting weaker and weaker by the second.

I stood there in shock.

I couldn't move.

I couldn't even cry. 

Not yet.

I know he isn't going to survive.

Hyunsoo dug his spear into the monster and pushed it off him. The monster was stronger than him and fought back, making Hyunsoo trip over his own feet and fall back.

Flashing lights and zapping came from him and that's all I could see. Until it went silent. A sob left my mouth, thinking I lost Hyunsoo as well, but he got up and walked straight past me. I didn't care at this point. My attention was on my brother who was struggling so hard to catch air. 

"Doyung." I cried as I walked over to him. His eyes were about to close, but when he saw me, they shot back open again. "Hey Mini." He said hoarsely and I feel the tears going down my cheeks as I knelt beside him and gripped his hand. "I'm glad you're ok."

"You're going to be fine." I sobbed as I stroked his jet black hair. "Just please don't leave me. Not just yet."

Blood coming out of his mouth and when he coughed it sprayed everywhere. "I hope you forgive me. I'm so sorry I've been terrible to you." 

"It's fine, you're fine. I'm sure we can get you healed."

"I wasn't the older brother after our parents died."

His eyes began to close and I pulled him up. "Doyung, don't fucking leave me!" I cried. His head went back and I couldn't feel his stomach breathing. I sobbed. Screamed. Cried. "Please stay with me."

Thank you for 4.4k reads!! I didn't expect this story to get popular

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