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The next day, I had baked some brownies and gave some to Jisu and I thought of Hyunsoo as well but after what had happened yesterday, he probably doesn't want to see me. But here I am, standing at the front of his door and knocked gently before I could turn around and head back home.

I looked around before he could open the door and saw that there were opened packets of ramen and crumbs scattered around everywhere. 

The door opened and Hyunsoo appeared and I smiled at him as a greeting. "Hey, I baked some brownies for you." I said, but his eyes were on the ramen. He came out and followed the trail of crumbs around the corner and he looked up.

I went to follow him but he jumped back looking absolutely terrified and ran back into his apartment, dragging me along with him.

"What are you doing? What happened?" I asked him but he only shushed me, telling me to stay quiet. What did he see that made him so scared? I didn't ask anymore since I knew I wasn't going to get any answers.

The door bell rang, making Hyunsoo and I jump and he walked over slowly towards the camera. 

"Is there someone in there?" The person said, sounded like a women who was also really scared. "Please help me." She said again.

Hyunsoo took the phone from the door camera and the screen turned on to show a young women with long brown hair. "Are you ok?" Hyunsoo asked, stuttering over his words.

The women smiled. "You are home." She cried.

"Did something happen to you?" Hyunsoo asked.

"I-I just came home and the door was wide open, and it was a mess inside, and my cat is gone and the floor..." She started sobbing,  "the floor is covered in blood. Please help me."

"Ok, calm down." Hyunsoo said, trying to stay calm himself, "I'll call the police." He was about to put the phone up again but then she spoke up again.

"Can't you stay with me?"

Hyunsoo placed the phone on top of the screen and passed me to get his phone. He dialed a number and brought it up to his ear.

"Hang on." Hyunsoo said and then brought his phone down from his ear when he heard a high pitched ringing sound. I scrunched my face up at the noise.

"Please, can you open the door? I'm so scared."

Hyunsoo ignored her while I just stood in the middle of the room not knowing what to do.

"Open the door, please."

"Well..." Hyunsoo started, sliding his phone back into his pocket and turning to the camera. "Show me your arms."

The women stopped and stood up straighter. "What?" She asked.

"Your arms, I need to see them before I let you in."

"What did you say?"

"I need to see your arms."

"I told you to open the door! Open it!" She screamed and started banging on the door. I let out a gasp of fright and fell to the floor.

"You assholes! Open the door!" Her nose started to bleed like it was a river with a heavy current and would not stop.

Tears fell down my face as I covered my ears and curled myself up into a ball. The banging won't stop.

I felt Hyunsoo wrap his arms around me and I leaned my head against him as I squeezed my eyes shut.

She screamed loudly again and then everything suddenly stopped. It went quiet. That shouldn't be good.

Hyunsoo had let go of me and I sat back against the wall. "What the fuck was that?" I panted, trying to catch my breath with tears streaming down my face. Hyunsoo didn't answer me, he got up quickly, grabbing a broom and slammed it against the cupboard and ran out. "Hyunsoo no!" I yelled after him and followed.

He stopped around the corner, holding the broken broom in both of his hands.

A guy with scars on one half of his face walked down the stairs. "That's a lot of blood." He said slowly, studying the trail of the deep red color on the floor.

"Did you see a weird women come this way?" Hyunsoo asked before he stumbled side to side and fell to the ground. "Hyunsoo!" I cried and followed him down, trying to wake him up.

It was almost five o'clock in the afternoon and Hyunsoo hasn't woken up yet. I placed him on his mattress when we came to his apartment and I couldn't just leave him.

I glanced down at him, hoping he isn't dead. His lips were parted and small breaths were coming out. I sighed in relief and got up from the ground and headed towards the bathroom. 

I splashed my face with cold water to calm down from the incident that had happen a few hours ago. I stared at myself in the mirror to see a small cut just on my cheekbone, wondering how I had gotten that. I gently touched it just to feel it sting. I glanced down at my fingers to see blood on it. I sighed as I washed my face again, but it wouldn't stop bleeding. It must be new.

I walked out to see Hyunsoo slowly sitting up and I quickly rushed over to him to help him. "How are you feeling?" I asked him.

He groaned and looked up at me. "Your cheek." He said, knotting his eyebrows together.

"I'm ok." I told him, "what about you? You were out for hours."

He sighed and looked down in his lap. "I feel fine." He answered and then stood up slowly and made his way to the window and opened the curtain and his eyes widened. "What is it?" I said and then stood next to him to see what he was looking at. An audible gasp left my mouth. I couldn't take my eyes off the city. It was all burned. Smoke filled the orange sky as multiple monsters climbed up buildings.

A squelching noise came from Hyunsoo and I turned my head to see blood pouring out of his nose.

In Your Arms // Sweet Home// Cha HyunsooWhere stories live. Discover now