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The door opened again and a guy with a beaten up face limped in. His whole face was swelled up. Blood covered his face. I sunk back towards the wall as he walked futher in.

Jae-Heon quickly walked over to him and grabbed his shoulder, making him turn to face him. "That's not the real reason, isn't it?" Jae-Heon asked. The beaten up guy didn't say anything. Another guy came into view,  but he was blocked by Jae-Heon's sword. They all stared at each other for a while until the beaten up guy closed the gate, leaving the rest outside. He closed the door and walked away doing his own thing. So much happened in just moments of time.

I swallowed nervously as he sat down on the other side of the room.

"I'm going to sleep." Hyunsoo whispered and rested his head against the wall.

I watched him move into a more comfortable position and then glanced at the other guy who sat with his back turned toward us. I sighed and got up from my spot and walked out of the arcade. 

Eun-Hyuk walked past and I stopped him. "Where are you going?" I asked him.

"I'm going to see Hyunsoo." He answered and tried to walk past me but I didn't let him.

"He's asleep." I told him, "try again in a few hours."

I heard him scoff and then he turned on his heel and walked the other way. 

I turned down the corner only to be stopped by Doyung. "What do you want now?"

"Have you gained a liking to him?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes and walked by him but he followed me. "What's it matter to you? Why do you all of a sudden care?"

"Am I not allowed to check in on my little sister from time to time?"

"You never did Doyung! Ever since mum and dad died, you never took any notice of me! You never cared for me! So don't do it now." I shouted and then walked away from him, leaving him standing there quietly. I could feel his eyes watching me. I wiped the tears from my eyes before going to sit in the daycare for a little while.

Minutes passed, and I heard the doors opened up. I quickly stood up and ran to the entrance to see a lady screaming at Eun-Hyuk, telling him her daughter was close by and pointing at her phone.

"Mum!" A girl screamed from outside.

We all turned our gaze to see a high school girl, a little younger than me sprinting for her life.

The lady screamed, telling her to hurry up and get inside. 

The girl was tripped over by a tentacle like thing, but a claw was on the end of it. She quickly got herself back up and ran. 

I hated myself for not doing anything. All I could do was stand there and watch. I was frozen. My breathing was picking up by the minute.

The lady was held back by other guys until a Military guy ran out in a flash, but before he could get to her, the claw plunged through his chest, making him splatter blood out of his mouth. The guy dropped to his knees before falling onto the ground ready to die. 

The girls also has the claw through her chest. Everything went dead quiet. 

The girl was lifted up like the monster was rubbing in the fact the he just killed her. The lady let out a scream as I felt the tear fall down my cheeks and I cried silently.

The boys had started closing everything up until the tentacle stabbed through the shutters and the cabinets and cupboards, inches away from Eun-Hyuk's face. It tried to reach for someone, but was in no luck, so it slowly slithered back away, leaving Eun-Hyuk panting for breath.

So sorry I haven't updated in a while, I'll be honest
I'm kinda losing the motivation to continue to write

this story, but I'll force myself to finish it :). 
I'm also writing two other stories other than this one.

In Your Arms // Sweet Home// Cha HyunsooWhere stories live. Discover now