"This house is really nice." I mentioned.

He looked around the place as if he were looking at normal things. "Yea, its pretty cool." he commented. He looked down at his phone like he received a text or something.

God, I hope I wasn't boring him to death or anything. I quickly glanced over to Alex who looked like she was having a rough him as well. We exchanged glances and she gave me a small smile before she went back to talking to Wes. I brushed my hair behind my ear. Tess and Chase finally decided on a movie and I waited for her to announce it.

"Alright we're going to watch...Jack and Jill." She said.

I shrugged it was fair movie I watched it maybe once or twice and it was pretty funny. Adam Sandler just had a way about him, it was interesting to watch. I realized I still had my jacket on, I quickly unzipped and slipped it off leaving my arms bare. From the corner of my eye I could see Jayden looking up from his phone and watching me do so, but I couldn't confront him about it because Ron was handing out pizzas and Chrissy was handing out the drinks. I took my slice from Ron and thanked him as well as Jayden and Chrishell tossed us the drinks. I caught it easily with one hand.

"Nice catch." Jayden commented. "You play any sports?" he asked me.

I nodded. "I use to play basketball in fifth grade." I said. But what he didn't know was that I quit shortly after when I realized that I had to work with a team. Big no-no for me back then. I took a big bite of my pizza and enjoyed the gooey taste of it as it hit my tongue in perfection. I was such a fast-food junkie I don't think I remember the last time I had a home-cooked meal. Maybe Christmas with aunt Jackie or something. College just does that to you, your life becomes fast food.

"What happened?" he asked.

I cracked open my soda and drank some of it down. I was tempted to lie to Jayden. Tell him this heroic story about how I worked extensively for 3 years and held my team to championships until then before I decided I wanted a different life other than basketball and retired for life. But somehow as I looked into his patient waiting eyes I couldn't bring myself to lie to him about that, instead I found myself telling him the honest truth not realizing what I was saying until the words were out.

"I didn't do well with working together and teams, so I quit after I made the team..being around a lot of people just made me nervous...I guess I'm a wimp." To hide my embarrassment I took another huge bite of pizza and drowned it in soda. The lights in the movie room dimmed and the movie appeared on the screen.

A little bit into the move I felt Jayden's warm breath on my neck and whispering into my ear. "I don't think you're a wimp, you're really beautiful." he said.

Shocked at what he said, I quickly turned around to face him. He was looking back at me with the same shocked gaze and he cleared his throat.

"Sorry." he apologized.

Why was he sorry? I was a bit flattered he said that especially coming from a white boy.

"No, thanks." I smiled. I wasn't sure if he saw that through the darkness, but he nodded and turned back to the screen. My face felt really hot.


After the movie we played board and card games with the guys for an hour or two, then we ended up playing awkward twister, and I only say awkward because the whole time we played it either a guy would fall in a awkward position with a girl or a girl(me) would keep slipping up and falling onto Jayilin's chest. It was about the fifth time I did I was about to quit and he encouraged me to keep going despite the tremendous amount of apologizes and bruises he probably got because of it so I did it one more time.

"Right arm on green!" Tess called out.

I reached for the nearest green circle next to me, which was over Jayden's chest and I reached as hard as I could and I could feel my legs shaking and slipping from under me and then thwap! I was down but not on the floor, as I opened my Jayden was on the floor staring up at me with a smile and thats when I realized I was laying on his chest and his hands were subconsciously wrapped around my waist to brace me for the impact.

It was one of those slow moments, like you seen in a movie when the main character and the girl have this intense look and its all in slow-motion and you're just staring at each other but its all not processing fast enough. It was just...slow.

The rest of the crowd hollered and I could see both of our faces lighting up in fire.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE!" Someone shrieked.

Everyone looked up shockingly. It was Jenna.

"Babe." Jayden said and he sort of pushed me off of him.

I fell onto my back but regained my composure and sat up quickly.

"JAYDEN WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!" She said. She was freaking out her eyes were huge and her hands were flying all over the place.

Jayden was up trying to tell it was all a misunderstanding and I was slowly sinking into my own pool of embarrassment. Now these guys would think I was some sleaze trying to steal a woman's man. Hell no. This little hang out was over.

Alex got up abruptly and slipped on her sweater. "I'm going to get some fresh air." She mentioned and as she headed for the door Jenna's icy-cold voice stopped her dead and sure.

"Where do you think you're going you hoe!"

This...escalated very quickly.

A Friend of Another FriendOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora