Chapter 12: Casual Acquaintances

Start from the beginning

Porter had been caught off guard when he was asked this question recalling the blond's mouth being wrapped around his cock and nearly dropped his fork as he shoved it into the steaming pile of eggs that lined his plate.

"I..." he stammered rather nervously.

Owen simply smiled.

"Oh you don't have to play coy with me, Honey," said Owen casually. "We've all been there, some of us had more fun than others their first time, I remember my first day here as well....didn't know anyone or anything about the place...was quite the shock to see so many kindred spirits roaming about the grounds."

Porter arched a brow at his words believing that he'd been asking whether or not he'd had sex, let alone oral sex with anyone before. Of course, Owen had known he'd been green in that department as well, he'd seen his fair share of the whelps taken by their wolfish brains and unable to control themselves when faced with the scent of an Omega's heat or given to the same heat themselves as Omegas.

"You poor thing," said Owen with a smile as he began to eat his eggs with his fork and then turned his attention to lifting up his sausage with his index and thumb before slowly stuffing part of it into his waiting mouth.

Porter felt a bit hot under the collar as he looked down at his plate.

Owen smiled at him a bit before he turned his attention to actually eating his food as their forks clanked against the glass dishware in the slightly companionable silence that had fallen between them.

As they ate their food, a question had been in the back of Porter's mind that had been burning to the point of forcing his hand to know the answer.

"How did you two meet?" he asked finally breaking the silence as they continued their dining. "You and Conway I mean, you said you had no friends when you first got here, I was just wondering..."

Owen put down his fork and wiped his mouth with his napkin before taking a deep breath as if preparing himself for something before meeting Porter's eyes full-on.

"My life wasn't very fun before I managed to come to this place," admitted Owen sadly. "Being born an Omega had not been ideal for me and as a result I was either cast away or abused because of it, when I got here, entirely by accident I had the misfortune of experiencing a spontaneous round of heat due to my previous, my former "father" using a highly illegal substance on me since I had come of age to induce my heat stages before time and force me into sexual servitude."

Porter had been shocked to hear this and deeply concerned given what he witness and participated in.

"Wow...I...I'm so sorry I should never have...," he said as a look of shame began to file across his face.

Owen held up a hand.

"What we did is not a part of what happened to me beforehand, and I rather enjoyed it, every bit of it," he said clearing the air once and for all. "Furthermore, I had come to the conclusion a long time ago that I enjoy great sex and I enjoy it quite a bit, the past notwithstanding, When I had the unfortunate mishap of going into spontaneous heat, I ended up running into a rut driven wrestling hulk of pure muscle and angst, he touched me like no other had before him and his cock was thick and long like I prefer and I practically begged him to fuck me right there in the courtyard upon our first meeting and his body touched mine when I rather unceremoniously ran into him."

Porter arched a brow at this getting a visual of a lust-crazed younger Conway in the process.

"We've been casual "fuckbuddies" ever since, I see it as my personal duty to keep him from being all pent up, and some of the ladies are not equipped to handle his skyrocketing libido so I step in from time to time and keep him on an even keel." continued Owen. "That is not to say that I don't get my rocks off as well, what you saw was just a warm-up, Our Conway has a straightforward way of adhering to his baser nature as you will no doubt come to know, being his roommate and all."

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