"You're welcome?" He replied to her, "I can get around just fine," Jaycee walked up to her, "Raven-" She was interrupted, "What you need to worry about is countering the mountain effect" Raven said to Wick, "That's your job," Wick replied to the man, "Damn engineers," Raven mumbled but Wick had heard her, "Damn mechanics," Wick also mumbled, "I sense tension" Jaycee said, "So, I'm going over there..." She pointed to a direction and left them.


After everything settled down, Raven, Jaycee, and Wick were working on the beacon, "Hey, I'm changing the tone frequency to 400 hertz, It'll increase the radiated modulation depth, " Raven said out loud, "Atmospheric noise will screw us," Wick told the girl. Raven looked up at him, "So the signal's fainter, at least they'll know we're out here," Wick just sighed loudly.

"What's wrong?" Jaycee asked him, "The current is not getting high enough, we might as well be shouting into the wind," Wick told the two mechanics. "We put an insulator between the mast and capacity top hat," Jaycee told the guy. "We already tried that, not working," He replied as he sighed.

"Then you're doing it wrong," Raven said as she was using her crutches to try and stand up and walk. "Raven" Wick yelled out. "Don't worry, I'll fix it, I always do," Raven said to him. "Try my damn brace!" He yelled out as she walked away with her crutches. "Your damn brace sucks!" She yelled out as she continued to leave the room to go outside. "Has she always been this stubborn?" Jaycee asked the guy. "Yes," he said as he sighed. They then both left to follow Raven.

"Come on, Raven. Elbow grease ain't gonna fix this," Wick told the girl. "What would you know about elbow grease?" she laughed a little. Raven continued to make her way to the tower, she put her crutches down and tried to climb the tower but was unable to with her injured leg. She ended up climbing back down because Raven wasn't able to do it, and then Jaycee spoke up, "Hey, come on," Jaycee tried to talk to her. "Listen to your friend Raven, let's just go back to the workroom. We'll think it through," Wick said to the Reyes girl as he put a hand on her shoulder. "Leave me alone, Wick!" Raven yelled out at him grabbed her crutches and left.

"Can't believe she didn't yell at you... but she yelled at me..." Wick whispered, "Yeah, well, Raven likes me more than you" Jaycee shrugged her shoulders and continued to walk with Raven.


As they went back outside, Jaycee was sitting, building part of the beacon, Wick was helping and Raven was just staring out at the window, looking at the people.

Wick looked at Jaycee to say something to Raven, Jaycee shook her head 'no' and motioned for him to speak to her, he shook his head 'no' too. This was going on for a solid 5 minutes until Jaycee picked up a wrench about to throw it at Wicks's head. Wick opened his eyes widely and threw his hands up in defeat. "You're bringing us down Reyes" Wick finally spoke.

"Hey, do you know why you're working on the beacon?" Wick asked the devastated girl. "I'm not," She then started to leave, "Find someone else," Jaycee just had a sad expression on her face. "Because I asked for you, you're the best mechanic we got..." He looked at Jaycee, "No offense" Jaycee just shrugged since she didn't care much.

"Go me," She said sarcastically. "Exactly 4 mechanics made it to the ground," She whispered to them. Wick scoffed, "You were top-3 on the Ark, too. I say this even though you refuse to acknowledge the ingenuity of my designs," Wick said as he put a hand on her shoulder for her to stop. "Or insanity," She said. Jaycee just giggled.

Wick looked at her saying 'shut up' and she put up her hands in defense. "Listen, you have a first-rate mind. You do." He said, then he continued to speak. "Use it, you're leg's messed up, and that blows," She then turned to look at him. "Figure out a way to work around it," He ended with.

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