What We've All Been Waiting For...

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Renewed with a new sense of purpose, Destiny confidently led us up to the Sanctum. I tried but I just couldn't connect this confident, driven queen with the defenseless and powerless princess I met what seemed like a hundred years ago.

The sanctum was lit only with the silvery light from the full moon, and the fiery eyes of Calamity Ganon, who'd been waiting for us. It didn't look too surprised that we'd survived. If only, it had been counting on it.

Calamity Ganon roared dramatically, but I could tell that Desi wasn't taking any of it.

Calamity Ganon was humanoid, with skin of malice and armor of Sheikah tech. It had red hair like a Gerudo, and based on Urbosa's face, she had made the same connection and didn't like it. Its eyes were pure flame, burning bright. Its shoulders were also on fire, but it didn't seem to hurt it. Its pig hooves were also on fire.

What's up with it and fire?

Legend rushed in and slashed at one of Ganon's hooves. Legend's sword cut right through Ganon's hoof and came out dripping in Malice. But Ganon just shook his hoof casually and kicked Legend into the wall which then collapsed and hid him from sight.

Yunobo and Daruk raced over and started pulling rocks off the pile and trying to dig up the Hero of Legend.

"We're not doing anything!" Urbosa growled in frustration. She snapped her fingers and a fork of lightning, as bright as the sun, tore apart the top spire of the castle, encasing Ganon in a change of writhing energy. 300 million volts of electricity. Enough to shock a regular person senseless.

But once the dust cleared, Ganon was still standing, if a little pissed about being struck with lightning.

I would be too.

Ganon roared, but this time, Malice shot upward from him like a geyser. It hit the smoking roof, causing it to cave in. Chunks crumbled and fell around us.

I dodged some debris before looking up and seeing a chunk that looked like it was going to fall on Destiny. I got in front of her and used my momentum to deflect the debris, putting myself in between the princess and the beast.

Ganon glared at me with such hatred that it almost made me step back.

"Cal!" Desi yelled, pushing me back and raising her hand. The artificer appeared in the back of her hand as an energy shield started at her hand, extending until it hid all of us behind us, separating us from Ganon.

Daruk and Yunobo brought a dazed Legend over to Mipha and Hyrule. His hair has been stained a few shades darker than his usual pink. His hat was lost somewhere among the rubble. But he downed a red potion offered to him and within seconds, he began to perk up.

Destiny struggled under Ganon's barrage in her shield. The shield began to shrink gradually as she over exerted herself.

Flora ran up beside Desi. She put her hand on Desi's shoulder. Flora began to glow slightly as she channeled her power through Desi and into the shield, causing it to grow stronger with their combined strength.

"H-how can you...?" Desi panted.

"An old friend of mine taught me." Flora gave a tight smile.

Yes. I couldn't help but think. This is where we end this.

Unfortunately, Ganon didn't agree with that ideology. His attacks on the shield strengthened in power and intensity.

The Zeldas groaned and struggled to keep up the shield as the rest of us prepared to feel the attacks ourselves.

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