A Talk with the Princess

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Four's POV

They we're having such a good day before the monsters.

Zelda had somewhat recognized the little guardian that would terrify Wild, when Wars shouted a warning.

Why can't they go anywhere in Wild's Hyrule without being attacked?

Vio thinks it gets worse in the future.

The others had nothing to say against it.

Blue took control of the body, drew the Four Sword, and attacked.

He sliced through hordes of monsters. The other colors chimed in with suggestions of how not to get killed.

They were very helpful.

The fight itself was annoying.

They had to constantly run back and forth to lure monsters and capture keeps (Wars' war vocabulary was wearing off on them).

Blue let out a sigh of relief when they finally reached the escape point—and immediately took it back when two giant boulders rose from the ground.

Blue let out a long string of curses that would make a sailor blush (Wind actually did).

Time glared at the colors but was then distracted by two giant walking boulders.

At one point in the fight, Sky somehow managed to get on top of a talus. He was now holding on for dear life.

"How in the name of Hylia does Wild do thhhiiisss!!" The talus flung the Skyloftian off its back and into a nearby lake.

A feeble thumps-up rose above the water, closely followed by Sky's head.

Twilitght hung back to shoot arrows at the gemstones.

The hero of Twilight wasn't as good a shot as the resident Feral Gremlin, but he did manage to land a few well-times hits.

They all worked together to fell the mutant boulders.

Blue grabbed the gems that they dropped. "For Wild?" He told the others, both inside and outside the body.

None of them bought it, but didn't say anything against it.

They jumped on a boat and sailed down a river for a good few miles.

Once they were were out of sight/range of the monsters, they disembarked and continued on foot. Because there was no water passage to the castle.

Green crossed his arms in annoyance.

They just wanted to be back home in the Force Era with their grandfather Smith, forging weapons. They already knew their grandfather knew about the colors. So they could split.

They so desperately wanted to split.

It was stuffy sharing one body and conscious with three other people.

The system they had come up with so that each color got a equal chance to control didn't help any.

Time touched Green on the shoulder.

Green started as he was pulled from his reverie.

"We're setting up camp." Time said, gesturing to the people gathering stuff for firewood, hunting, gathering plants, setting up tents, and the setting sun.

Green nodded. He had been wallowing in the strangest form of self-pity for so long that they had managed a few hours' walk.

The cooks had started making vegetarian options ever since Wars, Sky and the colors revealed they were vegetarian.

So they were content eating a salad with greens that definitely weren't washed.

A few tents had been set up and two fires lit and Vio was halfway done with his unwashed salad when he overheard Zelda talking nearby.

"Link... He's become so much stronger."

Vio followed her gaze to Link, Daruk, Wind, Legend, and a couple of soldiers who were handing rocks to Link. Who was gulping them down without a second thought.

"'And yet, I have not.'" Urbosa said, coming up behind the princess. "I presume that's what you're thinking, hm?"

Zelda nodded.

Vio put down his sorry excuse for food and walked over to the duo.

"More and more monsters have been appearing lately. It is a sign that the Calamity draws near." Zelda said quietly.

"But we can still beat it." Red said as he approached.

Urbosa nodded at the small hero. Red nodded back. That was all he could manage under the imitating figure of the Gerudo Chieftess.

"But still..." Zelda lowered her head. "there isn't much time to act."

Zelda raised her hands and Red knew what was coming.

"And still, no sign of my power awakening..."

I was right. Red thought.

Shut up. Vio scolded him.

"Little bird.." Urbosa said at the same time as when Red said: "Princess."

Zelda looked up at Urbosa. Red was totally not hurt. It was cool.

"Perhaps you are missing the point, comparing your progress to Link's." Urbosa said kindly. She turned to face Link. Zelda and Red imitated her. "He... is the same boy he was before acquiring that sword."

Red nodded. "Just because someone achieves greatness, doesn't mean they are any different. My other brother, Wild, was actually less of a gremlin before he drew the sword."

Zelda looked at me curiously. "How did that happen?"

Red shrugged. "All I know is, he didn't start forest fires for fun or ride bears or deer like horses before he gained the title of 'hero'."

The two women looked a little concerned (which they should be) but they shook it off quickly.

"Link will rise to... any challenge with no hesitation. That's all there is to it." Urbosa said.

"All Heroes of Courage do that. It's an annoying quirk we use to find heroes. It also annoys the hell out of our friends and family." Red informed them.

Why don't you tell them our hopes and dreams while you're at it, huh? Blue said irritably.

It won't hurt if they know some things, Blue! Vio retorted.

"In any case," Urbosa continued. "you two are one and the same. Look how hard you've worked to get this far."

"Yeah." Red said. "Don't count yourself out. Trust when I say that you'll get your powers in time."

Zelda smiled down at Red. "Thank you. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to turn in early. Good night you two."

They bade goodnight to her as she walked away.

"Thank you." Urbosa told Red with a smile. "She has a little trouble seeing her self-worth."

Red smiled back at her. "A few of my brothers also had the same problem. So I know what to do."

Urbosa looked worried but decided that there were bigger issues. "See you later." The Chieftess said as she walked away.

You didn't tell Zelda when her powers would come. Vio noted. You were very vague about that.

You also didn't say in time for what. Green chimed in.

Red mentally sighed. I couldn't tell her that she will unlock her powers a few hours too late. Or that she will barely be able to save Link.

Fair. The colors agreed.


Yay! Double update!

Happy Easter/Good Friday/Spring Break!

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